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The familiar feeling comes creeping up halfway through the movie, the feeling of the pulsating pain going through his head worse than normal.

"Sorry." Louis say when he stands up and accidently wake Liam up by his sudden movement, no one else than his friends are really paying attention to him.

"Head?" Niall asks but doesn't get an answer before Louis is out of the room rushing to the toilet, feeling how his stomach is about to turn itself inside out.

He pushes the door open and hurries in to a booth to empty his stomach content, sweat is forming on his forehead and he knows that he probably look like absolute shit.

He tries to get up but his legs isn't able to hold him up so he just slides down the wall of the booth sitting on the floor holding his head, trying to calm his breathe down.

Time passes and he don't know for how long he have been sitting there on the floor, but a knock on the door snaps him out of his own head.

"Hi... umm... Are you okay?" The voice is raspy and he isn't sure he have heard it before, the man outside is a little unsure if he should have asked.

He was on the toilet when he heard Louis enter the bathroom, and didn't want to leave when he realised that he was throwing up.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." Louis voice is shaky and he tries to stand up, his legs is almost as shaky as his voice.

After a few seconds of standing up and gathering his breathe he opens the door and is face to face with the last person he expected to see, Harry Styles.

"Do you need something? Maybe some water?" Harry is concerned about the man standing in front of him, he looks awful... beautiful, but he looks sick.

"No I'm fine, thank you." Louis answer walking past him over to the sink where he put his hands on each side of it to hold himself together, he isn't used to having to face strangers after having an attack.

"Are you sure?" Still worried about the man who seems so small standing by the sink.

"Yeah, it happens all the time." Louis answers turning on the water to push some of the cold liquid in his face so he can start to feel more alive.

"Oh... um... I'm Harry." Harry sounds so awkward and he just wants to sink through the floor, this man in front of him looks beautiful, more now when he can take a better look at him.

"Louis." He turns from the sink looking over at Harry, he takes in every detail of the curly haired man standing in front of him.

"Are you going back to watch the movie?" He then asks Harry, not knowing why.

"I don't know, it's not really my kind of movie." He admit and smiles a small smile toward Louis.

"Yeah, Niall always picks the worst movies." Louis laugh out a little, finally starting to feel his legs gaining some strength. His head is still an awful reminder of why he is here.


"He is a friend of mine, pretty sick guy." Louis laughs a little when he realise what he actually said, he didn't mean it that way.

Harry let's a small laugh out from his lips when he hears the words coming from Louis mouth, he isn't used to someone taking so lightly on illness.

But then again everyone on this floor is here because they are too sick to be anywhere else, they are all in bad condition.

They walk out of the bathroom together and Louis sits down on one of the chairs standing out in the corridor, needing to catch his breathe a little.

"So, have you been here long?" Harry asks when he sits down beside Louis, wanting to know more about the beautiful man.

"Depends on how you mean, got here today.... But it's not my first time here." Louis say looking in to the white wall in front of them, it's the seventh time he is here. Last time they actually thought they got the whole thing, turns out they didn't get it all and it have been growing.

"How about you, first time here?" Louis looks over at Harry taking in every single part of his face.

"First time staying longer than a couple of hours."

Their conversation is cut short when Zayn comes out from Louis room down the hall.

"There you are." He walks over to them and looks at Louis seeing all the signs he recognise.

"Need something for the pain?"

"Yes please." He rubs his hand over his face, feeling how exhausted the pain is making him.

Harry looks at him, taking in how his lips are a light pink colour, making him look paler than he is.

"Harry, you should go back to the others." Zayn say when he comes back with a bottle of water and a couple of pain pills for Louis, knowing that when Louis takes these he won't be great company.

They are pretty strong and combined with how Louis gets after the attacks he usually passes right out when they start to kick in.

"I think I will just head to bed.... I'll see you around Louis." Harry say when he stands up, looking at the man still sitting with his head in his hands.

"Yeah, it was nice to meet you." Louis looks up at Harry, giving him a perfect view of the dark circles under his eyes, but the part that Harry focus on is those electric blue eyes.

Thank you so much for the support so far on this story, it makes me so happy to see that you guys enjoy it. 

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