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Harry look at the watch that is hanging on the wall behind Richard and all he can think about is that in a couple of hours he will see Louis again.

"So we think now would be the perfect time for you to start thinking about your next album." Richard say while handing him a phone where they have added a lot of demos.

"These are some songs we think would really fit your image." Harry doesn't want to listen to them, knowing that they probably is nothing like what he actually want to sing, he want to write his own songs but the people around him isn't as sure about it as he is.

"What about writing my own songs?"

"I think it's better to leave the song writing to the real writers." The way Richard is looking down at him makes him feel so small. He look another time at the watch seeing that the time haven't passed at all since the last time he looked.

"Do you have somewhere you need to be?" Richard rudely say when he notice that Harry isn't paying attention to what he is saying.

"What? No." Harry try to make it sound believable but he doesn't even convince himself with the words, he would rather be anywhere but here.

"We also need to release a statement about your health due to use cancelling your tour." Richard continues to talk, not really caring what Harry thinks about anything that he is saying. All he really think about is to keep Harry's image as the irresistible pop sensation that he is, no one can know how sick he actually is.

Right now the best thing for Harry is to fake a drug addiction so he can be a little more rock and roll instead of the sick dying dude.

"So we have to come up why you won't be able to leave the hospital. Lisa will take care of the press for now until you are ready to make a statement." Lisa is his publicist, she don't really care about him and his wellbeing, none of them do. Everything to them is money, which is all they see when they look at him.

The door opens and his mother steps in to the room, and the air changes. Richard never said anything bad when she was around, it's like her opinion means more than Harry's.

"Hey darling." She leaves a little kiss on her sons head before sitting down beside him, looking at his face seeing the dark circles that is visible under his eyes.

"Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Yes mom." He hates that everyone is acting like he is a little kid, he isn't sixteen anymore and sometimes it's like everyone around him forget that.

The two "adults" talk while Harry just zones out not listening to their conversation anymore, knowing that it won't matter what he thinks they will always decide anyway.

"How about a livestream?" Richard suddenly say and Harry looks up at him, he looks like shit and it's defiantly not the time for him to do a livestream.

"That is a perfect idea to keep him relevant, do you think you could handle that love?" His mother looks at Harry trying to imagine how make up could cover up the mess that he have become.

"I guess."

"Perfect, I will set it up for tonight." Richard say with a big smile and then stands up from his chair.

"Tonight?" Harry looks a little panicked at that, knowing that he is supposed to see Louis, it's literally everything he have been looking forward to during this whole meeting.

"Of course, we need to keep you in the eyes of the public." Richard say like it's the most natural thing to say to someone who is hospitalized.

"I will be here for you." His mother say with a smile and then they just say goodbye to Richard when he is off to fix all the things for the night's livestream.

He is left alone in the room that they have had the meeting in, his mother going off to talk to the hospital staff about setting up for the stream. He looks at the watch feeling his heart sink in his chest.

After a couple of minutes taking in the disappointment he stands up and decide to go talk to Louis about him not being able to show up tonight.

When he arrives at Louis room he knocks only to get no answer, so he decide to open the door to check if he is in there or not.

The room is dark and the curtains are closed, the light from the hallway shows the person in the bed, he is laying curled up in to a ball with his hands over his head.

"Louis?" His voice is quiet not wanting to scare the man. He don't get an answer but Louis moves so they are face to face, he looks exhausted.

"Hi..." His voice is quiet when he say it but he waves Harry over to the bed.

"Don't you have a meeting?" he sounds so tired.

"Just finished." Harry sits down beside Louis on the bed, not thinking just reaching out and moving the hair that have fallen on his forehead out of the way. He is sweating and closes his eyes when Harry's hands touch him, taking in the feeling of his fingers against his skin.

"Do you need something?" Harry asks quietly.

"No, Zayn gave me painkillers they should kick in soon.... Just stay here."

The Boy With The Broken Heart (Larry Stylinson)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant