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The door is pushed open making a bang when it hits the wall, waking the two men that is sleeping on the bed.

Zayn is looking panicked and behind him is a woman that Harry knows too well, his mother. Half asleep he looks at the two of them who is taking in the scene in front of them.

The two men are curled up together in the small hospital bed, both just woken up by them barging in to the room without any warning.

"There you are! We have been looking all over for you!" His mother shout, Harry clearly notice how Louis is wincing in pain at the loud voice she is using.

Harry figures that the headache still is there.

"Let's take this outside." Harry hurries up from the bed, a little too fast so his body falls to the ground, not prepared for the movements. He stands up fast, trying to make his way out of the room as soon as possible so he will get his mother far away from Louis. Her loud voice is sometimes too much for him so he can't imagine what it does to Louis.

"Harry!" She yells out when he pulls her arm to get her with him outside.

"Shut up." He whisper in an angry voice, wanting to yell at her but not wanting to hurt the man who is holding his head to give some comfort to the pain.

Zayn closes the door quietly behind them, and Harry finally looks up at his mother who is red in the face from what seem to be anger.

"You can't just disappear!" She is still yelling at him which is something he doesn't understand, he is an adult.

"Mom, I'm 26 years old please start treating me like it." He lets out a deep breathe and look at his mother who seems hurt by his words, but it's the truth he isn't a kid anymore and shouldn't be treated like one.

"You need to get ready for your livestream, Lou is here ready to do your makeup." She changes the subject leading him to his room where the woman is waiting on him. She gives him one look when he steps in and then makes a hand motion for him to sit down in the chair she have in front of her.

Louis look at Zayn feeling how his headache is slowly getting better.

Zayn writes down something in the chart before leaving him alone in the room, the darkness surrounds him when the door closes behind him. He can't help but wonder if Harry will come back for their movie night, not that he thinks he would be able to watch a movie with this pain.

Time passes and he doesn't know what time it actually is, but there is a small knock on the door and then Harry enters. He looks different, healthy. But there is also something about him that looks sad.

"Hi." Harry say when their eyes meet, feeling a little sad that he can't just skip this livestream and spend some time with Louis instead.

"Hi, why are you so dressed up?" Louis laughs a little feeling a little embarrassed about being in his pyjamas when Harry is standing there in a pair of black skinny jeans and a pink button up.

"Apparently I can't have a sick day." He say as an answer, feeling a little sad about it.

"You're going to work? But I thought you're not allowed to leave the hospital." Louis is a little confused about what is going on, but then again he have never known how the music business works.

"I have to do a livestream to continue being relevant."

"You have been relevant for ten years I think you would continue be with or without this?"

"Tell that to my management, they just think about money... and as long as I'm in here I'm no good to them."

There is a sadness in their conversation.

"Harry come on!" Richard yells from down the hall where they have set up a little place for him to stream from.

"Duty calls." His legs start to shake a little because he have been stressing a little too much the last hour, his heart can't handle all of this.

"Good luck."

The Boy With The Broken Heart (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now