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Days comes and goes, Louis and Niall spend most of their time sitting on the couch beside Liam scared that they won't be there if something happen. Niall sometimes leave to go through chemotherapy, but as soon as he is done he comes back.

Louis have different test taken on him, different medicine that they try to make sure that the tumour doesn't grow. They need to figure out how to operate before they can actually go through with another surgery.

He knows that it takes time, but he can't help but feel like for every day that passes he gets closer to being beyond saving.

Harry have spent most of his time inside his room, sometimes he walks out in the hallway to see if the men still stay with who he now know is names Liam. He wants so badly to speak to Louis again but he doesn't want to be disrespectful and just walk in to Liam's room to do so.

He have tried to ask some of the nurses about how Liam is doing, but no one really tells him anything, probably because he didn't know the guy.

"Time for your medicine." Zayn comes in with a cart of different pills, giving him the seven different pills that he needs to take to keep his heart still working. It's not that bad yet but he knows that if they don't do anything about it there will not be a chance in hell that he will survive.

"Have you been feeling any different the last couple of days?" Zayn asks looking at Harry, trying to get anything out of him if the new medication might work.

"Not really." The answer is disappointing, but at least the tests that they have run shows that it haven't gotten worse since Harry got here, which means it at least works a little.

"Okay." Zayn write it down in his chart and then leaves Harry's room to walk to Liam's room were the two men are currently watching a movie.

"Medicine." He hands the two men their medicine and then walks over to Liam and write down the different numbers and letters in his chart, making sure that they are keeping a close eye on what is happening, if there is any progress.

"How is he?" Niall asks, scared of the answer, he doesn't want to hear bad news but he needs to know if Liam is getting better.

"Same as yesterday." Zayn say with a sad look on his face, knowing that if he doesn't get better his parents will need to make a decision if they are going to keep him on the machines or let him go.

Louis stands up and tells them that he will be right back. He leaves the room and walks over to the bathroom, needing some distance between himself and Liam, needing to breathe without being weight down by everything around him.

He looks at himself in the mirror, he almost get scared when he sees his own reflection. The circles under his eyes are bigger than usual and he looks awful, he looks a lot sicker than what he is feeling.

The door opens behind him and he sees the curly haired man enter the bathroom in the reflection of the mirror. He turns around and they are face to face.

"Hi." He say smiling to him.

"Hi there." Louis answers trying to smile back, not sure if he actually succeeded.

"How is your friend?"

"Stable for now."

The conversation dies down and Harry walks over to the sink where he washes his face off.

"We are watching a movie if you want to join us." Louis say, not sure if Niall will be okay with him inviting another person in to Liam's room.

"I actually have to meet my manager, maybe another time?" Harry curse himself for booking a meeting with Richard today, not that he would know that Louis would invite him, but still.

"Sure, my room tonight?" Louis asks, catching Harry off guard, he honestly didn't think that Louis wanted to hang out with him and just invited him to be polite.

"Sound good." His voice is a little shaky but hopefully Louis doesn't notice.

Louis smiles and walks past him to the door, leaving him alone in the bathroom.

He looks himself in the mirror feeling how his heart is beating a little faster than normal, he doesn't know if it is because of Louis or because of him standing up for too long.

The Boy With The Broken Heart (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now