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"Harry Styles rushed to hospital after collapsing on stage" one of the headlines state when he passes the news stand outside the small coffee shop, he doesn't bother reading any of the other once because they all end up saying pretty much the same thing.

It came as a surprise for the whole world, the singer who have taken everyone by storm the last couple of years collapsing during a show on his tour.

Louis takes a sip of the coffee in his hand ignoring the gossiping girls that are standing around the street talking about the love of their lives collapsing. He doesn't care about some stupid singer, he have more important things to worry about... like if he will be alive by this time next year...

He pulls the jacket closer to himself feeling the cold air grabbing a hold on him, the snow is crunching under his feet when he walks down the street to where his sister's apartment is.

He is almost thirty years old and still don't have his own place, not that he needs one, he spend most of his time in the hospital.

"Louis?" Lottie's voice echoes through the apartment when he steps inside, pulling of his beanie from his head, touching his hair while he still can.

"Yes it's me." Louis answers, hanging his jacket on a hanger in the wardrobe.

"Where have you been? We need to leave soon!" Lottie shows up in the doorway, looking more stressed than usual. He doesn't blame her, if it would be reversed rolls he don't think he would be any calmer.

"Just got some coffee."

"Well that's stupid of you, you're not allowed to drink coffee." Lottie's voice is firm and Louis knows that he needs to give her the cup in his hand, thankfully he had a couple of sips before coming home.

He somehow expected this to happen, it always does.

"Haven't this shit taken enough from me?" He mumbles giving her the cup, he hates that the most regular things is things he isn't allowed to do.

"Have you packed your things?"

"Yes." Truth is that he never unpacked from the last time.

"Good, go get them and we will go."

The car ride is silence, Louis would love to listen to the radio but Lottie will not allow it, thinking it might hurt him... news flash it doesn't matter nothing really helps.

The all too familiar building comes in to their view and Louis closes his eyes, not really ready to look at it yet to have to face the reality that he is back once again.

Lottie parks the car and together they walk in through the front entrance, they don't need to check where they are going because of the amount of times that they have been here.

"Louis!" The voice comes from one of them rooms when they walk through the white halls.

"Liam." Louis stops and looks in to the room at the man who is laying hooked up to different machines.

"How's the lungs working for you?"

"You know the usual, not at all, the brain?" They have a joking tone while speaking to each other, but truth is that it's the only way they can handle it.

"Still inside my head."

They continue their walk down the hallway until they reach the desk where the nurses are sitting.

"Ashley, my love where is my room this time." Louis leans over the desk smiling at the brown haired girl who have been working here for the last five years.

"Same as last time." Ashley smiles at him, but there is a sadness in her eyes. She knows for every time that Louis walks through those doors there is a slimmer chance of him actually getting better.

Louis thanks her and make his way to the room beside Liam's, he meet the blue eyes of his blond friend across the hall when he is about to close the door behind him and Lottie.

"For fucksake Louis, I thought I had seen the last of you." That is the thing, they are all friend here but when someone leaves you wish that you don't see them again... because seeing them again means they aren't better.

"Sorry to disappoint."

"Well I guess it's okay as long as you don't puke on my shoes."

"It was one time Niall!"

A well-dressed man steps out from a room just a few doors down, making both the men stop talking.

After him another man comes out who is wearing an earpiece, he stops outside of the room like he is guarding it while the first man walks over to the nurse's station.

"What the hell?" Niall say looking between the man and Louis.

"Who knows." Louis answers not really caring about it anymore.

Together with Lottie he unpacks and after an hour he is left alone in the room, just like all the other times he have been here.

That's the thing with being sick, no matter how many people you have around you, you will always have to fight the battle alone.


This story is one that I have been wanting to write for a long time and I really hope you guys will enjoy it. 

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