>> Aries > Tommyinnit IRL AU <<

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Tommyinnit has a secret. A secret he has hidden for four years. No one knew, obviously since it was a secret. But normally whenever he hides a secret, it'll eventually be exposed to his friends and families sooner or later by him accidentally or by someone intentionally. He does not want that to happen for this secret of his, at least not in an exact way as to how his secret is going to be exposed. At least make it planned or beautifully executed, not a fucking disaster.

Now, we might ask, what is this secret and why is it so- well, hidden from his viewers, friends, relatives and family?

To put it simply, he's an author. He's Aries, a renowned author who was fascinated in writing when he was nine, made rough drafts at nine to ten, started full on writing and revisioned his drafts he wrote back then when he was eleven, finished his first book when he was thirteen and published it at fourteen.

He has first published his book in a publishing team without knowing his real identity and that publishing team thought he's thirty years old, not fourteen years old. Well, he planned to reveal his real identity when he turned eighteen which he just did just recently and safe to say, they were shocked and respected the kid for being successful at such a young age.

He created various social media accounts to update his books for his readers and followers. Just for his blogs, updates, announcements and all when he was sixteen. By then, people followed his accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr while publishing his second book, receiving his first book awards online and people buying copies of his books worldwide, making a huge sale and salary from selling his books at the age of sixteen.

At the age of eighteen, he has published six books in total, planning for seven this upcoming days, revealed his identity to his beta readers, editor, his publishing team (now working for him), running his own company for his books, received various awards because of his books that fit in the category, got his accounts verified, a renowned author, and is ready to reveal himself to the world.


The Case of 1981
Written By Aries
#1 New York Times Best Selling Author

Amaris Zalika is back from summer break, ready and excited to start her sophomore year. But when a small incident became a big deal that now involves the authority, government and reopening the Case of 1981, it's safe to say that she's not that thrilled anymore.


Missing Summer Vacation
Written by Aries
1st Place In Edgar Awards

Adelio Casimir Galileo is on break from school in Red Woods, excited to see his family's home town once again down South. He has finally arrived only to see missing posters everywhere and anywhere in Southern Hills. He was more than miserable when he found out his childhood best friend, Astraea Estella Danvers is one of the teenagers who got captured. Finding out that the police department is not doing any action, it's his decision to act rationally and wisely before things escalate.

This summer is not certainly what he bargained for.


Running Out Of Time
Written by Aries
1st Runner Up in Book Awards For Fiction

Meteor Wisteria was just strolling by the beachside, hoping to get his mind at ease after all the commotion he had experienced this past week. Stopping to take a picture of the beautiful sunset, he caught a sight of a bottle down the seashore. Walking further, he grabbed the bottle, expecting to be greeted by trash or something similar only to be met by a paper. A note, specifically that caught his attention. Now it's up to him to save the world and beyond and figuring out why he opened the bottle in the first place.

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