>> the majestic gates < DreamSMP au <<

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It's a peaceful day, surprisingly. Tommyinnit left the server hours ago and the others have been joyous. Even Tubbo, just a little bit. 

Why? Don't forget that Tommy is known as the problem maker and the cause of all these problems. Without him, the DreamSMP will be finally in peace with Wilbur, finally gone and Dream, in prison. They can finally rest from all the wars and live normally like before. Or is it? 

Everything is going as planned... Technically. Not until... 

Okay... The fuck? 

After the whole incident, a whole other mess is created. 

Dream revived Wilbur and helped him escape. 

Quackity became manipulative and slowly going insane. 

Karl is rapidly losing all his memories. One by one. 

Karlnapity's engagement got cancel off and went on their different ways

The eggpire is stronger than ever before. 

Techno's voices are getting louder and louder. 

Phil's crows are dying. His voices are getting noisier and instead of calling peace and harmony, it's now calling chaos and torture. 

Foolish's builds are destroyed day by day. 

Sam Nook is broken. 

Sam is getting more and more workaholic. 

Ponk is slowly getting neglected by Sam. 

Purpled got manipulated until now by Quackity and his UFO's broken. 

The Syndicate is useless now. 

It's getting lonelier. 

The now, Manifold Hotel, lost all it's grace and is currently surrounded by phantoms each night. 

George is stuck with his endless dreams and hoping to be saved. 

Instead of a shiny and bright day, it's now gloomy and dark. 

Ranboo tried to harm Tubbo with his enderwalking. Not once, not twice but four times. 

Michael is getting worse because of his newly found illness. 

Each corner in the DreamSMP is dangerous and risky to visit by. 

More and more negative things have been happening constantly ever since Tommy left the server. With all the bad things that happened and will about to happen, their regrets and remorse of what they've done to Tommy is filling them every time they wake up. 

All they need to do now is praying and hoping that someone will come to help them and save them. More specifically, the youngest member and their fallen child hero, 

Tommy Kraken Danger Watson




What they didn't know is that, Tommyinnit has been watching them the entire time with his true family: 

The God of Gods. The true ruler of Minecraft. Tommy's uncle ; Dream XD

The God of Time and War. The ruler of the in-between. Tommy's platonic husband ; TimeDeo

The God of builds and the non-existent. The ruler of highlands. Tommy's platonic husband ; LukeOrSomething

The God of destruction and error. The ruler of the battlefield. Tommy's platonic husband ; Bitzel 

The God of mobs and beings. The ruler of the sanctuary. Tommy's platonic husband ; Wispexe

The end guardian. Tommy's best friend; DristaWasTaken

The void guardian. Tommy's best friend ; Lani Underscore

The messenger of Prime. Tommy's brother ; Boffy

The redemption of the living ghosts. Tommy's protector and guardians ; Schlatt, Mexican Dream, Billiam, Ranbob, Lyria, James, and the other people that are part of the tales of the SMP

And finally.... 

The Goddess of Space and Nature. The ruler of the grand. The mortal loving. The biological mother of Tommy. The queen of the queens ; Clara

The right day and night will soon come when the DreamSMP will be falling into a deep slumber and Tommy will be patiently waiting at the majestic gates with a ram hybrid and a Mexican man, patiently waiting for them. 

Hopefully, the DreamSMP will suffer enough to pass through that golden gate. 

Or else... 

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