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Quickly sauntering down the stairs as she stuff her phone inside the black handbag she briskly walk inside the kitchen.

"Good morning."she greet fu'ad who's sitting on the stool drinking what she presume to be coffee as she open the fridge.

Fu'ad glance at the wall clock and back to ummi who's wearing a long black hijab as she struggle to remove whatever from the freezer side of the fridge.

"Ina zaki je ?"he ask sitting upright, he  took the day off to relax, he need some alone time for himself,
The kitchen door open and jalal walk in, he's wearing a black jogger trouser with a white zip up hoodie, he have his hand stuck inside the hoodie pocket.

"Good morning."jalal say as he walk to the fridge where ummi is still struggling to get something out.

"Let me help you."he say and ummi step aside.

"It's stuck,
I told Kareem not to put it in the freezer because it will be a hell to bring it out this morning."ummi say as she glance at the wall clock.

"It will have to deforest for you to enjoy tho,
We are late,
I will help you with this."jalal say removing the blocked yoghurt and grab the handbag that's on the kitchen island and ummi close the fridge.

"Didn't you hear me?"fu'ad ask upset, the two act as do he's invisible which he find very upsetting.

"I'm going for my doctor's appointment."ummi say glancing at the clock.

"Jalal can stay back,
I will take you."fu'ad say standing up as jalal exchange a confuse look with ummi.

It's fine beside i think you have work today is Monday."ummi say and fu'ad collect the handbag from jalal.

"Wuche mu je,"fu'ad say and ummi glance at jalal who's smiling at her with a shrug.

"I will make the pasta for you,
before you come back."jalal say and fu'ad turn.

"Don't bother the maid will come and do it."fu'ad say curtly and jalal shrug.

He grab ummi by the hand making her to almost trip on her steps but she quickly hold the door for support.

Becareful she's pregnant."jalal say more like yell and fu'ad turn from the door.

"How's that your business,
She's my wife stop acting like you are her husband, I left for 3months and you two are acting like you are a
sort of couple,
When are you leaving for Morocco?"fu'ad say and jalal shake his head.

Please drag her slowly,
She won't be fast as you she's heavy."jalal say and fu'ad hiss before walking away upset.

The estranged relationship between his wife and jalal is upsetting him, just because he told her to meet him for whatever she needs doesn't make them a couple.

"Fu'ad my hand please."she say and he let go making he to sigh and stop walking standing to stable he breathe.

"What is it?"h ask a bit irritated and ummi sigh.

"I need to stable my breathe."she say and begin walking, it's a clumsy walking step that fu'ad find very annoying.

"Why are walking like this,
Ordinary pregnancy you are acting as do is one deadly sickness."he say opening the car door and throw the handbag inside.

Ummi ignore him and open the front passenger, she do always prefer jalal he's a better company than her husband, she reach her hand back and grab her handbag with a sigh,
She remove the biscuit and begin eating it as her husband climb the car.

"Why are you eating biscuit this early morning?"he ask glancing weirdly at her and ummi ignore him.

"You will be acting with my cousin as do he's your husband, I cannot even believe you gave him alot of privileged to the point he will even enter your matrimonial bedroom,
So much for a decent upbringing."fu'ad say and ummi sigh, she feel all her appetite gone and it's been replaced with frustration.

She hate when people nag about insignificant things and that's what fu'ad seems to be good at, he drive out of the house before releasing a heavy breathe and massage his forehead.

"Which hospital are you going?"he ask and ummi glance at him.

"It's just few blocks away here in the estate."ummi say and fu'ad nod.

The drive turn quiet, ummi trying to suppress the nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach and fu'ad thinking about a document he was supposed to send this morning Making him to hiss.

"Hope you won't stay long?"he ask and ummi sigh.

"30minutes max will be fine."she say and he maneuver to the street that lead to the hospital.

Ummi's pov

"This will be your second to the last ultrasound."the radiologist say and ummi humm in response as she stare at the monitor screen on the wall.

"Your babies are doing fine........

"Babies?"fu'ad say gaining our attention, it's the first word that comes out of his mouth since we come into this hospital, it's as if he's bored with everything going on,
Jalal always listen and even contribute to the conversation.

Your wife have two babies, she said she doesn't want to know the gender so that will be a suprise a..........

"Go on,
Tell us what the gender is."fu'ad say and i give him a confuse look, the doctor glance at me and I nod.

I honestly don't want to know my babies gender I want it to be a suprise to me that day, but right now i don't want to quarrel with fu'ad, he's just looking for something to pick offense on.

"They are all boys, you can see it here the reproductive sex of a man."the doctor say and i nod looking at the screen.

How many months are they?"fu'ad ask and the doctor give him a confuse look.

"Your wife is in her last month of the second trimester."the doctor say and fu'ad Furrow his brow.

"What does that mean?"he ask and the doctor hand him the warm towel to wipe the whitish substance from my tummy but he decline with a disgusting look and i just collect it from the doctor.

"It means she's 6months pregnant.
She will need to stay away from stress especially now that she will be in her last trimester, probability of pre-mature birth is high especially with twins."the doctor say and fu'ad nod.

Once I'm done cleaning my tummy I sit upright and adjust my clothe, before rolling my veil and come down from the examination bed.

The doctor explain some few things to me before we leave the hospital, with fu'ad asking me why I never mention to him that I'm carrying twins.

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