A/N: HOLY SHIT 10k!! (6)

80 4 11

Oh...my gosh


It's currently 4AM and I just noticed that my book is at 10k. I never thought I'd ever get to that many reads.

Thank you. Seriously.

I made this book for fun and to better my writing while also showing love for people who I look up to, and I didn't make expectations for myself. I knew what I was getting into, but I didn't think I'd get in so fast lol

There probably will be no "10k special" chapter, and I'm sorry. I'm going on a family trip literally this Friday (tomorrow technically for me) so I won't have time with packing tomorrow and getting through the heat lmao

I'd just quickly like to say a special and fast thanks to some online friends I've made here :)

I would like to thank Ash_Exists, that_nerd_alex, shewholived and Fanta321123 for sticking with me this whole time.

I feel like I've known you four the longest out of all my online friends here, and I just want to say thanks for staying here and staying active w/ me :)

Also to PoutyRain and pigeon_lmao for being the greatest online parents ever. The discord is hilarious, the wedding last year was amazing and I've got the greatest online siblings :) You're both great :]

But most importantly, thank you to YOU! YOU, dear reader, for staying here!

Your voting, reading, commenting and any other thing you can do to interact is my favourite thing to see! You're interaction makes my days and seeing notifications from comments and whatnot is always a highlight for me.

We've had some ups, and some very hard downs, but I feel like this is something we all worked through together, even if the comfort was silent. We knew we were there for each other, and that's what matters.

Once again, thank you. I'll keep saying it until I can't anymore.

10k is wild, and I thought 5k was big. This is even better. I couldn't ask for anything else <3

I've got a chapter I'm working on, that should be soon hopefully. Might take down my male!oc book to work on it privately - also to do some major editing on the writing.

There's another book I made that was on AO3 that I'm maybe reposting here. I want to start that one up again and maybe start updates on AO3 and post it here as well.

Love you all :]

-Starby (Phaser) <33

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