.-. Tap the rhythm of their heart .-.

487 16 8

Request: No
Mcyt: Tommy, Quackity, Sapnap, Punz, Dream, Slimecicle, Wilbur and TimeDeo
Type: Fluff
Ages: All their irl ages
Au: Minecraft

A/N: I stg I need to do more fluff. I did say that I'm not an angst person but I proved myself wrong in this book. How the turns tabled I guess lmao. Please enjoy I love this idea :D Also, everything in this one shot is platonic. Nothing weird. In my last oneshot, Wilbur kissed Tommy's forehead, that was also platonic.


*third person*
It was no secret that Tommy was mostly everyone's favourite in the SMP. He was always so happy and smiling, always there to make sure everyone is having a good time.

They all had no shame in calling out Tommy whenever he did something they saw as cute. He would always swear at them and tell them he "isn't a cute man" But they couldn't help it whenever he'd scrunch his nose up when they ruffled his hair or whenever he'd light up when seeing a butterfly.

It was adorable and you wouldn't blame them if you saw it.

Tommy was never one to show any vulnerability around people. There were certain people he'd let see him clingy. He would never say it out loud but his favourite thing was hugging or cuddling with his friends PLATONICALLY.

A habit that everyone noticed Tommy did was whenever he would be cuddling with someone, he would use his fingertips to tap the rhythm of their heartbeat on their stomach, leg, arm, anywhere. They never told Tommy he did it because they didn't want him to be embarrassed and then stop doing it.

Everyone knew that Tommy and Wilbur were brothers. It was one of the most obvious things as well, considering they knew basically everything about one another.

Besides that, Tommy was sick. He hated being sick because it made him at least 70% more clingy than he already was and it always made him super embarrassed once he wasn't sick anymore. But Wilbur never seemed to mind, thinking it was super cute. He loved being there to let his younger brother cling to him for however long he pleased.

The first time Wilbur noticed Tommy tapping a beat on his leg, it confused him. But once he noticed what the beat was, he couldn't help but smile really widely and ruffle Tommy hair.

"Don't do that Wil. I don't like it." Tommy said, sniffling a few times after. Wilbur was about to mention what he was doing but didn't want Tommy to stop, noticing how it was such an subconscious thing to him.

Instead, Wilbur just let it happen and mentally noted to tell someone later.

time skip brought to you by slimecicle's goop

Everyone was sitting around a table in a small house Wilbur had built earlier, really only going to be used for more private conversations.

Wilbur had gathered Quackity, Sapnap, Punz, Dream, Slimecicle and even got Dream to whitelist TimeDeo for the day.

They started by just messing around, making weird jokes and just being friends. It was quite uncommon for all these people specifically to be hanging out together, but Wilbur wouldn't back down to doing it again.

With Sapnap being defensive towards Quackity when Punz tried to hit on him, Dream's wheeze making background noise, Deo trying to make sure that Punz wouldn't say something he'd regret and Slimecicle whispering "I'm burger" at random times in peoples ears whenever he felt it suited, it was quite fun.

As it got later, the chaos surprisingly slowed down for the most part. Wilbur then remembered something he wanted to bring up.

"Have you guys ever like...I guess cuddled with Tommy?" He asked, pretty confident that everyone had. Basically everyone here was super close to Tommy. Especially Deo and Sapnap.

Everyone responded with some type of confirmation, proving Wilbur right.

"Ever notice that he'll tap a beat on your arm or leg?"

"Oh, yeah! I tried to figure out if it was a song or something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was." Deo answered, moving from his chair to the floor, letting Quackity move from Sapnap's lap.

"Mhm! I didn't mention it because I thought it was cute of him." Punz said.

"I noticed it to and I figured out that it's your heartbeat. He always wants his head on your chest, which never bothered me. But it's because he wants to hear a heartbeat."

Series of aw's were heard from the room.

"That's adorable!"

"Makes sense."

"I don't think he realizes he does it either, which makes me not want to tell him. He'll be embarrassed and stop."

They all continued to talk about whatever came up, sometimes it being Tommy, other times it being focused on what it was like for Sapnap and Quackity to be in a poly relationship. They all got great relationship advice from that.

Not that any of them would need it or anything....*cough* *cough* Dream *coughing intensifies*

End A/N: I started giving up lmao. I'm sorry about that if the story started just like...dying. I pushed through it though and finished it. I hate the ending but it's good for now. Thank you for voting on some of my chapters. Requests are still open. Though I do have six other one shots in working on currently. Or it's seven. I can't remember. That's besides the point though. Hope this was good enough!!

-Starby <3

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