.-. Maybe I don't want to die .-.

637 13 53

Request: No
Mcyt: Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, mentions of Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, Dream, Foolish, Sam and Puffy
Type: Angst
Ages: Tommy: 17 | Wilbur: 21 | Technoblade: 21 | Philza: 30
Au: Irl but they have hybrid features

A/N: I saw someone else do this-but I can't find the story for the life of myself. I was inspired by them and what they wrote. Again, I would tag them if I knew where it was and who made it. Enjoy more angst! I promise that I have fluff waiting to be completed! It will be (haha wilby) finished soon!

TW: blood, death, being impaled, small talk about suicide (let me know if there's more im missing)


*third person*
Tommy was stuck.

He didn't know how he managed to get stuck in the first place, but he is. He was outside climbing a tree. He was feeling adventurous and since his family didn't care enough about where he was going or what he was doing, he thought it would be smart to climb the tallest tree he could find in their backyard.

He shouldn't have, to say the least.

Now he's at least 30 feet in the air (based off of his prediction) and he's too scared to get down. Sure, he has wings, but Phil hasn't bothered to teach him how to use them or how to fly because apparently Wilbur's guitar lessons and Technoblade's sparring sessions are far more important.

He was getting bored of being ignored. He was the youngest brother, the smallest in the family. Sure, he was annoying and loud, but that was his personality. That's just who he was. But there was more than the loudness because the loudness hid how he felt.

How he felt like he wanted to die. Every hour of the day. He contemplated ending it a lot, but always stopped because he didn't want Tubbo or Ranboo to be hurt because of his decision. But he's hanging on by a thread now.

So this is where he is. In a tree, alone, getting cold and scared.

Yes, he could call for Wilbur or someone to get him down, but Tommy knew that Wilbur would only laugh, take a photo, get Techno and insult and laugh at him. He'd rather avoid that and be stuck.

He looked down and gulped. It was a long drop. Long enough of a drop that it could kill him. What doesn't help is how Tommy is scared of heights. He's always been scared of going up high. Which is also probably why he's never tried to learn to fly by himself.

Tommy decided to try and get down. 'One step at a time'  he told himself. He twisted around so he could step down the branches, like you would step down a latter. He went foot by foot, making sure his foot was sturdy before putting his weight on it.

This process went on for a while, before his foot slipped.

He started falling.

And falling.

And falling.


Still falling.

More pain.


A crack.


Then it stopped.

The pain of falling stopped. But a new pain started. It was in his stomach and back. He felt a thick liquid ooze onto his hand. He slowly and painfully brought his hand up to his face, and his eyes widened.

Dream SMP one shots (+ others)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora