A/N: this shit is pissing me off (4)

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i don't know if anyone else is aware of a website on the internet called "novelhd"

the website is full of people who copy and paste stories from wattpad (and maybe other writing apps) and re post them without credit.

it's basically a place of copied work.

all the work there isn't written by the people, even if they say it is. it's copied.

it sucks if an authors work has been copied and pasted because they spend hours (maybe days as well) writing and writing for people to take maybe 10 minutes to read it.

it takes a lot to time to write.

there is a petition to have novelhd taken down. i hope it fucking will be taken down. it's a sickening website to even think of.

i'm not sure if my work has been copied, but if you do find my work pasted there, private message me to let me know.

i do know that an author that i personally love (follow them @/LavenderTreeBlossom) their work has been reposted. in their sbi x reader book, they just posted an a/n talking about it and calling the bitch out who reposted their work.

the person (or people) who reposted their work literally reposted the a/n where they all got called out. that literally proves that the website is copy and pasted.

plus, they have ads and gets money from shit they didn't even write. THEY GET PAID FOR FAKE WORK THAT DOESNT EVEN BELONG TO THEM.

this is sickening and the website should be taken down.

now i'm mad. i hope the website dies painfully.

-Starby </3

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