.-. More than just a dream .-.

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Request: Nah
Mcyt: cc!Dream, Tommy, cc!Sapnap/George (mentions of Jack Manifold, Tubbo and Wilbur)
Type: Fluff w/ hinted angst
Ages: All Irl ages
AU: Minecraft/irl

A/N: All the other people besides cc!Dream are their canon characters incase that might've sounded confusing when I listed who's in this. Anyways, please enjoy - I saw someone do this and I got inspired by it. If I find who, I'll put the one I saw in the comments. :p ALSO this is gonna be split into multiple parts - one chapter for each persons dream he enters! Maybe like three parts :]


*third person*
Tommy went back to his dirt house, sighing as he shut the door. Today was shit for him. Jack wouldn't get off his back, Tubbo kept ignoring him, Wilbur was...yknow being Wilbur.

No one would leave him alone but also no one would hang out with him.

He was lost.

He laid down in his bed, sighing once more. Today's weight washed off of him as soon as his shoulders hit the bedsheets. It was relieving.

Hopefully tomorrow would be better.

pov in dream land ahaha get it-

Tommy woke up, and all around him was white. He almost started having a panic attack because when he died because of Dream, he saw white when he woke up before it turned into the void.

He never wanted to relive that. It hurt. A lot.

He was going to shout out to maybe find something, but someone spoke up before he could.

"Oh! Uh..heh hey? Are you..are you Tommy?"

He turned around quickly, his arms covering his face as a defence mechanism.

When he saw who was a few feet in front of him, he stumbled backwards, afraid.

It wasn't....Dream, but it was a darn close replica of what he looked like without the mask - Tommy couldn't exactly remember his face, as it had been a long time, but it was still pretty close.

The jawline, eye colour, eyebrows- hell even the freckles were basically copy and pasted.

The man wore a plain white shirt with short sleeve and grey sweatpants. Pretty simple, but it seemed to suit him well. His hair was close to strawberry blonde and quite messy, but he looked like the type of dude to never brush his hair.

"WHO- who the FUCK are you?!" Tommy shouted, regaining his footing. He backed up more when fake Dream reached out to help him.

"Ah..I should probably explain that.." Fake Dream said. Tommy thought that was a reasonable name for him.

"Damn right you should." Tommy said, a salty tone in his voice.

Fake Dream sighed, "Well...I am Dream, but not, in a way- okay I know it doesn't make sense but basically I'm like DreamXD to you."

Tommy stood shocked, not really knowing what to do.

"So..what's your name?" He asked, "I don't feel like calling you "Fake Dream" anymore."

The...other Dream laughed and Tommy had to hold back his own when he heard the throat burning wheeze that he let out. It reminded Tommy of before....his Dream turned into the manipulative bastard he is now.

When this Dream stopped laughing, he answered.

"Well...where I am, my friends call me Dream as well- that reminds me that I'll have to have a chat with him too.." He whispered the last part before quickly shaking his head and getting back on track.

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