.-. Family movie night .-. part 2

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Mcyt: Sbi, Schlatt, Dream, Sapnap, Sam, Punz, Purpled & Ponk
Request: No
Type: Angst but some cute stuff too
Ages: Phil: 29 | Techno & Wil: 20 | Tommy: 17 | Schlatt & Dream: 21 | Sapnap: 20 | Sam: 23 | Punz: 22 | Purpled: 18
Au: Minecraft

A/N: I'm doing this part two later than I wanted to lmao. I woke up very late to say the least (4pm-). But I'm still going to get it done. It might be shorter but I doubt it'll be shorter than the first part. Enjoy!


*third person*
Tommy ran. He didn't know what else to do. His family technically replaced him with his best friend and some random person he didn't know. When did Ranboo join? And what did he do to get Tubbo to like him that much?

Tommy wasn't looking where he was running. With his blurry eyes from crying and trying to wipe them at the same time, he bumped into someone and fell down.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Tommy said, quickly getting up and trying to walk away. The person, or people, stopped him. He looked at who it was and saw Schlatt and Dream.

(Schlatt and Dream are good people in this. Schlatt was kinda rude in the past but most forgave him and Dream was never manipulative)

"Tommy? Are you ok? Why were you crying?" Schlatt asked, concern in his voice. Tommy didn't expect him to care this much, but he was happy someone did. Tommy choked on more tears, not able to answer the question asked.

"I-I can't b-bre-eathe-" Tommy said, his breath short. Dream immediately walked to Tommy and put one of Tommy's hands on his chest.

"Tommy. Hey, feel my heartbeat?" He asked calmly. Tommy nodded. "Follow my breathing. You're ok with us." He reassured.

It took a while, but Tommy's breathing returned to it's normal beat. During that time, they slowly made their way to Schlatt's house. Yes, Dream had a house too (no homeless arc sorry lmao) but Schlatt's was somehow bigger. They set Tommy on the couch and sat next to him. Schlatt on his left and Dream on his right.

Schlatt cleared his throat. "So, what happened Tommy?" Tommy clearly stiffened at the thought of what had happened. Dream gently put his hand on his shoulder. Tommy shakily (?) inhaled.

"Every F-Friday, Techno, Wilbur, Phil and I we-we have a movie night. It-it's like we watch our favour-ite movies a-and eat our favourite s-snacks. When I got th-there, Tubbo and fucking Ranboo were there inste-ad. They had f-forgotten m-me. Wilbur said they weren't miss-missing anyone and it was per-perfect. So, I-I left after yelling at t-them." Tommy said, starting to cry again.

This however, made Schlatt and Dream very very upset. Did Wilbur not realize how much Tommy looked up to him? And to hear those words from his idol? They were undeniably pissed.

Schlatt and Dream looked at one another, before Schlatt had an idea. "Hey Tommy? Since your family clearly can't take care of you or include you in things, how about you invite whoever you want over to my house and we can have our own movie night here? What do you think?" Tommy perked up at the idea, clearly intrigued by it.

"Are you sure? I don't want it to be annoying or anything." Tommy said looking down. He genuinely liked the idea but he didn't want to invite anyone over that would annoy Schlatt or Dream.

But Schlatt just smiled. "Tommy it's not going to be annoying because I'm letting you and I want you too."

Tommy nodded and smiled. He took out his communicator and privately texted five other people. He knew they'd be surprised that Tommy was close with these people, but that would be funny to watch. All the people said yes so all they had to do was wait.

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