.-. Holy shit, they GLOW! .-.

908 17 43

Request: No
Mcyt: Eret, Tommy & small mention of Sap
Type: Fluff
Ages: both their irl ages
Au: Minecraft

A/N: I really like this idea. I hope you do as well, dear readers. Uh, I don't have much to say that doesn't involve me completely gushing over this idea. So, enjoy!

Once again, Tommy swearing!


*Tommy's pov*
I was just walking around L'Manburg, going towards Eret's castle. I wanted to ask them if they had any extra skirts or dresses.

(i stg boys can wear whatever they want it's their choice what they wear ty)

As I was walking, I bumped into Sapnap.

"Hey Tommy!" Sapnap said, waving with a big smile on his face. I smiled back. "Hey Sapnap! What are you doing today?" I asked as we started walking down the path side by side.

"Well, I was just on my way to go and get more wood for a project I'm working on. What about you, Big Man?" He said, lightly shoving me with his shoulder. I laughed.

"I'm just on my way to Eret's castle to ask them something." I could've easily told Sapnap the truth, but I didn't know how to react and plus I wasn't really ready to tell anyone yet. Luckily, he didn't question.

"Have fun Tommy! I'll see you around!" Sapnap said as he turned away from the path to a forest of trees.

"Bye bye Sodium Nitrogen!" I said laughing as he flipped me off. Sapnap's a good person.

I looked up to see the entrance of Eret's castle. The rainbow coloured beacons were very bright, so I had to squint slightly.

I walked up to the giant doors and knocked twice. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the door until the door swung open and Eret stood there.

"Hello Tommy!" They said while opening the door wider for me. I smiled as I walked in.

"Your castle looks fucking sick mate!" I said while looking around. I chuckled quietly at the sight of flamingos placed everywhere.

Eret smiled. "Thank you!" They opened a door to a room with fabric and a few sewing machines set up. "Now, what did you need?"

I looked around, mainly because I was embarrassed. But I knew they wouldn't judge me. Right? I mean, they wore skirts and dresses too.

"I-um was wondering if you had any-any uh extra...skirts. Or m-maybe dresses." I said fiddling with my fingers in the process of stuttering.

I looked at Eret and they had a huge smile on their face. They jumped up and down a few times. "Yes yes yes of course I do Tommy! What kind would you like? There's red ones or white..."

*time skips brought to you by a very excited Eret*

After a while, Eret had helped me pick out two skirts that I had taken a liking too. There was a dress too, I'll admit.

(the author has no photos so you get horrible descriptions of what I envision them as)

The first skirt I had picked out was white with a gold lace lining at the bottom. I wasn't a fan of the shorter skirts so all of them went to my knees or a little higher. This was one was definitely my favourite because of the simplicity of it.

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