.-. An injured reindeer .-.

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Request: Yes :p
Mcyt: Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan (mention of Punz)
Type: Fluff
Ages: All irl ages | Callahan: 21
AU: Minecraft

A/N: Yo so thank you @Golden_Butt3rfly for the idea! I love Calla one shots but I just never see them. He's an angel even though he's only talked in Discord and chats. It's fine. He's amazing and if you don't like him, are you okay? Anyways, enjoy lul

TW: blood, arrows, injuries


*third person*
It was supposed to be just an innocent trip to go more wood. He just wanted wood, not three arrows in him. Two in his left leg and one in his back.

It turned night time far more quickly than he thought, which caused the mobs to come out. He apparently forgot his bow and he wasn't the best with close combat.

Resulting in said injuries.

He was limping, tears going down his face. It hurt so bad. Now he really understands why he likes staying in all the time and around familiar places. It's safe. And things like this don't happen.

He let out a sob and tripped again, hearing endermen teleport near him. He got up again, stumbled, but kept going anyways.

He had to get back.

*sapnap's pov*
Dream, George and I were hunting. We needed more enderpearls.

We walked through the trees, seeing that some were recently cut down, which confused us.

"Hey, anyone know if someone's been out recently? Like today recently?" I asked, pointing to multiple trees. They looked in which direction I was pointing to and looks of more confusion spread on their faces.

"No..I haven't..." Dream said, clearly trying to think of who.

"I haven't seen Callahan much...or the minors but they are probably just out committing arson. I mean, Punz has been busy. Not sure." George listed. I nodded and was about to speak before I heard a sob. Our heads snapped in the direction.

"What was that?" [s]

*third person*
The three ran towards where they thought they heard the noise. Sapnap lead, having the best ears.

After ten minutes of twisting, turning and jumping over branches, Sapnap stopped, causing George to nearly run into his back.

He was going to make some joke to George about watching where he was going when he looked down.

Laying on the ground, unconscious, was their beloved mute friend. Callahan.

"HOLY SHIT- okay okay George run back to the house and get everything set up. Potions, a rag, med kit, you know the drill. Dream, you help me bring him back." Sapnap ordered, his actions very out of character. The two stood in silence at his strange leadership before he looked at them like they were insane.

"Well..go?! He won't live looking like this forever!"

With that, George sprinted as fast as he could back to the house and Dream helped Sapnap clean up their friend and carry him home.

*george's pov [insert sheesh & lip bite]*
I sprinted to the house faster than I ever have before. I didn't think it would be Callahan injured. He always stayed within the SMP lands so I'm not sure why he was even out this far.

I stopped thinking about why and focused on getting the house set up.

I grabbed our med kit Bad insisted we had (even though we thought we wouldn't need it, stupidly), the rag from our kitchen and I moved the best and fluffiest blankets we had to the couch for his recovery along with a glass of water.

I sighed and sat on the kitchen counter. I watched the door, waiting for the click and the aggressive swing of it.

Minutes ticked by. I grew nervous the longer it took.

Then Sapnap barged in with a crying Callahan and distressed Dream.

*third person*
George hopped off the counter and rushed over to where Sapnap had placed the injured hybrid on the table.

"From what we saw he has an arrow in his back and two in his left leg." Dream said, pacing as he didn't know what to do with himself.

George knelt down beside Callahan's head and frowned seeing the tears and sobs that tore from his throat.

"Okay, Callahan this is going to hurt and I am so sorry, ok? Sapnap, hold his hand and Dream get a bowl of water and get the rag wet." George ordered, rolling Callahan to his right shoulder so his back wouldn't be touching the table.

Callahan nodded, a frightened and pained look washed over his blue and brown eyes (heterochromia).

"I'm going to need to pull the arrows out, alright? Squeeze Sapnap's hand as hard as you need too. I'm sure he won't mind," George looked up at Sapnap who gave a reassuring nod.

"On the count of three, I'll do the one in your back." George said, walking to face Callahan's back.

(This is gonna be super medically inaccurate because I know nothing about this. I apologize.)

Callahan gave a scared nod, already squeezing Sapnap's hand.

"One.." George counted down. Callahan inhales shakily.

"Two.." George gripped the arrow.

"And three!"

George pulled the arrow out, Callahan letting out a strangled scream and gripped Sapnap's hand until his knuckles were white.

Dream had come in as that happened and cringed, hating the sight of the hybrid in pain. He placed the water bowl on the table and dipped the rag in it.

"You did so so good Callahan," George said, hoping to make said man feel better, "We just have two more then we'll wrap you up and you can get sleep, okay?"

Callahan nodded and braced himself for two more arrows

time skip because i am uneducated in this

George had finished wrapping up all the injuries and got Dream to pick him up and place him on the couch and swaddle him in blankets.

The poor man was tired and hurting, constantly shaking from fear and pain. They made sure he drank water as they figured he probably hadn't while running.

"Do you wanna watch something?" Sapnap asked after coming back with Callahan's favourite snacks. Callahan nodded and took the remote, none of them minded anyways.

He went to the movie "The Maze Runner" as it was one of his favourites (I have no clue, first movie I thought of).

The four settled down, keeping Callahan in the middle. Callahan leaned his head on Sapnap's shoulder and sighed.

He felt safe here and he's glad they found him.

End A/N: This took a few days but it has been completed. Just pretend that TV's and shit exists in this version of the DreamSMP lmao. This was fun to make, thank you :) Uhm, I'm sure in some way this is medically inaccurate. 100%. Anyways, I have "I'm just invisible to you" to work on so bye-

-Starby (Phaser) <3

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