Chapter 30

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"Ancora(Again)!" Tristan barks, slowly pacing and watching from behind me.

I've missed the target six times. I'm learning now that just because you know how to shoot a gun doesn't mean you'll hit your target every time.

I've hit everything but the target and I'm starting to get frustrated. I sighed in annoyance when the bullet ended up lodged in the trunk of a tree.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I whined. My arm was beginning to cramp and I haven't hit anything since we started.

"We are not leaving here until your aim is perfected."

Sighing once more, I didn't even try as I aimed the gun at the black and red silhouette about fifty yards away. When I pulled the trigger, the bullet tore through the hand of the silhouette.

I squealed with excitement, jumping and down because I finally hit the target. It might not have been the head or heart like Tristan has been training me to do, but it was something.

I didn't realize I was carelessly waving the handgun around until Tristan stepped forward to snatch the gun from my hand.

Ending the little celebratory dance I was doing, I apologized. "You have to admit that it was a good shot though," I muttered.

He adjusted his stance, his left arm extended and his expression focused. I flinched when he pulled the trigger. Three gunshots sounded, echoing in the silence. Birds that were in trees took flight at the loud pop of noise.

Tristan lowered his hand and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw that all three targets had a single bullet hole in the middle of their head.

And what made it even more impressive is that he not only didn't hesitate like I had, but every target's distance was different.

Damn, he's good. Real good.

"What you did will only stall the enemy momentarily."

"And what's so wrong with that?"

I watched him add another round of bullets to the gun, the action just as effortlessly graceful as the target practice he just did seconds ago.

"The enemy will not show you mercy." He looked up. "They only need one bullet to take you away from me forever."

His amber eyes are filled with fear, his gaze drifting off into space as if an image just popped into his head.


"Ancora(Again)!" He cut in, placing the gun back in my hands.

Staring at him a moment longer, I eventually brought my attention back to the three targets before me.

When I pulled the trigger and missed the target for what felt like the hundredth time today, I muttered a curse under my breath.

I froze up when I felt Tristan's hands on my waist. He used his foot to gently kick my feet apart, so my toes were parallel to one another.

He bent me forward slightly from my hips, my knees flexed as his hands traveled up my sides and down the length of my extended arms.

The smell of cinnamon and the woods mixing together to create a glorious scent. It calmed me, my heart beating at a slow, consistent rate.

Tristan lowered his head, his lips brushing my ear and the stubble on his chin tickling my neck.

I inhaled the faint smell of cigar smoke as he whispered against my skin. "Focus on where you want the bullet to go." He slowly guided my hands over to the first target, the muzzle of the gun aimed directly at the head of the silhouette. "Whenever you're ready, baby."

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