Chapter 61 - Fallen

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Hours passed, the whole of 51 were on the edge of their seats.
"Surely it doesn't take this long?" Casey asked
"It can take days, I'm sure she's fine" Gabby smiled
"It's going to be a boy, I can feel it" Herrmann said
"And what makes you think that?" Gabby asked
"Oh please, ive got a feeling for these things. This isn't my first rodeo" Herrmann laughed
"Well I think we deserve another girl around here" Gabby smiled
"I second that" Boden said as Taylor walked out
Everyone stood up as they saw him
"Your looking at a dad" Taylor announced
"Hey!!" Casey smiled as he hugged him
"Congratulations" Gabby smiled as she put a hand on his shoulder
"Well? Do we get to see this little kiddo?" Mouch asked

The whole of 51 walked into Maddison's hotel room, she was holding a tiny baby wrapped in a blanket.
"I'm a mom! To a beautiful baby girl" Maddison smiled
"A feeling my ass" Gabby said as Herrmann laughed
"Does this little princess have a name?" Gabby asked
"She does" Maddison smiled as she looked at Taylor
"This is Camilla Gabriella Hudson" Taylor smiled
"You guys" Gabby smiled as she hugged Taylor
"You could at least hold her, she is named after you" Maddison laughed
"I thought you'd never ask!" Gabby said as she picked up Camilla
Luca had just arrived at the hospital
"You did good" He smiled
"I know we did" Maddison smiled looking at her daughter

~1 Year Later~
It was Camilla's 1st birthday, everyone was gathered at Taylor's place. They were outside and overall having a blast.
"Can you say, Gabby" Gabby smiled
However Camilla didn't reply
"Come on. Ga-by" Gabby smiled
"Say mama" Maddison smiled
"Mamama" Camilla muttered
"That's it!" Maddison smiled as she picked her up
"Traitor" Gabby muttered as she laughed
"Lee-Henry I am going to put a bullet through your head if you don't stop running!" Herrmann yelled
"Woah that's a bit harsh" Casey said
"Yeah Herrmann" Taylor said
"You won't be saying that when the tantrums start" Herrmann said as he took a swig of his beer
"Fair enough" Taylor laughed
The day quickly turned into night, they had just released fireworks. Everyone was standing watching them, Casey had his arm around Dawson, Herrmann and Cindy were stood with their family, Chloe rested her head on Cruz's shoulder and Maddison was stood whilst Camilla slept in her arms. Taylor walked over and kissed Camilla on the head before putting his arm around Maddison.
"I'm glad I fell for the fake identity" She smiled
"So am I" He said as he kissed her

The End

~Authors Note~
Thank you so much for reading Falling for the Fake Identity! I hope you all loved the book! Thank you for all the love and support over the past few months! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! <3

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