Chapter 38 - Job Offers

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"Hey there bud! How about we get you checked up?" Maddison asks smiling
"My dads a doctor! I don't need your pity!" The boy answers before walking away
"Got ya!" Maddison adds as deacon walks over
"How's my favourite paramedic doing?" He asks
"These kids are not normal! Why didn't you tell me that?!" Maddison whispers
"You think that was bad, that one over there? His dad owns a basketball team!" Deacon adds as he points to a boy
"And that one, he's been excepted into an Ivy League college and he's only 6!" Deacon explains
"How? I don't get it?" Maddison asks
"It's a rich mans world Maddison" Deacon explains before walking away
"Okay who's next!" Maddison asks
"Not me!" A girl shouts as she puts on hand sanitiser
"This is going to be a long day" Maddison mutters
It's an hour later and Maddison is on a break when she gets a FaceTime from Taylor
"Taylor! Hey!" Maddison says as she holds her phone up
"Hey mads! How's it going?" Taylor asks
"The kids are a little... Different than what I'm used to but I'm pulling through!" Maddison explains
"I told the firehouse about the whole FBI thing" Taylor admits
"How'd they take it?" Maddison asks
"Not great, there all still adjusting and with Dawson and everything" Taylor says
"Dawson? What's up with Dawson?" Maddison asks starting to panic
"Nothing" Taylor adds as he scratches the back of his neck
"Taylor" Maddison adds
"She's honestly fine! Don't worry!" Taylor adds as the bells go off
"Go save some lives!" Maddison says as she ends the call
After an hour and a half Maddison heads back to HQ with deacon
"Hey" Hondo says as he hugs her
"You only do this when you want something" Maddison says as Hondo laughs
"How would you feel about coming out with us tomorrow as a medic" Hondo asks as Luca walks in
"You do know she has swat training? She went to the academy and everything" Luca explains
"Wait what?" Deacon asks smiling
"I'm actually Officer Maddison Luca but swat got too boring and I moved to Chicago and became a PIC!" Maddison adds as she sits down
"She's one hell of a cop! We got a case then 2 hours later she had him in custody confessing!" Luca adds as he puts a hand on her shoulder
"Have you got any furlough coming up?" Hondo asks
"I think I've got like 2-3 months?" Maddison replies
"How would you like to come work with us for those 3 months? We've got a spot open! And if you have the training?" Hondo asks
"What?" Maddison replies shocked

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