Chapter 47 - Rough shifts

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It's a week later and the news has officially gotten out, Maddison is still adjusting to the fact that she is going to be Mrs Hudson. Her and Taylor are at home
"Do you want a drink?" Taylor asks as he opens the fridge
"Uh sure, go ahead" Maddison adds as the door goes
She gets up and sees Dawson standing along with Casey, she studies Dawson very carefully. Her lipstick is smudged and her shirt is slightly unbuttoned
"Aren't you guys meant to be at Molly's?" Maddison asks as she lets them in
"We thought we'd swing by on the way home!" Casey explains
"Together?" Maddison asks as she shuts the door
"Yeah" Dawson adds with a huge smile on her face
"So is this the start for Dawsey?" Taylor asks as he walks in with beers
"Dawsey?" Casey asks as he sits down
"Yeah your ship name! It's been the talk of the firehouse" Maddison adds as she sits next to Casey
"What's yours?" Dawson asks as Taylor thinks
"Ludson!" Taylor announces as everyone laughs
"Sounds great to me" Maddison adds, followed by a giggle
It's the next morning and everyone is on shift. Maddison is making breakfast when
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Cafe Collapse, South side" The intercom echoes
They all run out and jump into their rigs, squad leaves first followed by truck then ambo
"I'm guessing this is going to be a triage?" Maddison asks as she turns a corner
"Probably, and your the highest in command, so you'll be leading it" Dawson explains
"Don't remind me" Maddison adds as they get to the scene
When they jump out their rig, the whole scene is a mess. There is 12 ambos and they all gather around Maddison
"Okay, We're going to do the tag game today! Red tag for someone critical, amber for not life threatening and green for minor injuries!" Maddison explains
"What about black tags?" A new paramedic asks
"For the ones too far gone to save, now go make me proud out there and save some life's!" Maddison yells
Dawson and Maddison then split up and work on civilians, Maddison has just finished treating her 5th patient when her radio goes off
"Luca! Do you copy?" Taylor asks
"What's up Hudson?" Maddison asks as she stands up
"Mills is down! Can you get in here?" He asks
"Uhm, yeah hold on" Maddison replies
She then runs and grabs her helmet and her jacket before running in. Inside the cafe is completely demolished. Maddison can hardly see when she spots Cruz
"Cruz! Where's Taylor and Mills?" Maddison yells
"In the back room!" Cruz yells as Maddison starts to walk down
Maddison reaches inside the room and spots Taylor doing CPR on Mills
"I've got you!" Maddison yells before taking over CPR
Everything is going fine until the cafe collapses again, but this time Maddison, Taylor and Mills are stuck in the room with no way out...

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