Chapter 25 - Memphis

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"Well that was" Maddison says as she looks at the road
"Eventful" Luca adds
"Anyway! What are we doing in Memphis?" Tan asks
"What is there to do?" Maddison asks as she quickly looks at tan
"Maddison Kirsty Luca! Get your eyes on the road!" Luca yells
"Okay!" Maddison says with her eyes glued to the road
"Kirsty?" Chris asks
"Yep! After my mom!" Maddison answers
"She's not dead, just wanted someone named after her" Luca adds as Maddison smiles
After an hour or so they finally arrive in Memphis. They check into their hotel and meet back up.
"So what are we doing?" Luca asks
"Oh I've got an idea! Get in the car!" Street shouts
"Oh no" Maddison mutters as they all pile into the car
Street drives for about 30 minutes until they get to their destination
"A house?" Maddison asks as they stand and look at the house in front of them
"A very old looking house" Tan adds
"It's not just any house! This was the home of the one and only" Street says as he pretends to do a drum roll
"Of?" Luca asks
"Elvis Presley!!" Street announces
"M-Kay" Tan says before walking back to the car
"Hey! Where are you going?" Street asks
"No offence but the dudes been dead like 100 years!" Tan adds
"When did he die?" Maddison asks
"1977!" Street replies really fast
"Why do you care so much about him?" Maddison asks
"Come on! We're getting a tour!" Street says as he skips in
"Great!" Luca says as he rolls his eyes
They all walk in and street is mesmerised
"Didn't he like drop dead in his house or something?" Maddison whispers
"Don't tell me that!" Chris whispers
"What if his soul still like haunts the house or something?" Maddison asks
"Shut up!" Chris says as she playfully pushes Maddison
Maddison smirks
"Guys! It's his waffle maker!" Street yells
Maddison rolls her eyes as they walk over
They walk around for about 15 minutes until they reach the basement. Which was his go too party room. It was still decorated with flashing lights and a dance floor. The speakers were playing Jailhouse Rock. Maddison grabs Chris's hand and runs onto the dance floor
"What are you doing?" Chris asks as Maddison starts to dance
"What does it look like? Come on! Loosen up!" Maddison says enthusiastically
Luca and the boys run in. They all start to dance as well but Chris is just standing
"Come on Chris!" Maddison shouts as she takes her hands
"I don't dance" Chris says bluntly
"Come on!" Maddison says as she puts her hands on Chris's hips and starts to move them
Chris looks at Maddison and smiles
"See! It's not that bad!" Maddison says as Chris starts to dance on her own
"I hate you" Chris says as she smiles
"Love you too!" Maddison says as Chris blushes

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