Chapter 30 - Transferred

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"So i managed to pull some strings and we can get Maddison transferred to Chicago med in the morning" Hondo announces
"Thanks boss! Your a star!" Luca says as he hugs him
Just then Chris gets a call from Taylor. She doesn't want to answer at first but knows she has to
"Hello?" She answers with her voice shaking from the pain
"What the hell happened Chris! I told you to have her back! Your a god damn swat officer!" Taylor yells
"There was nothing I could've done! I-I wasn't there" Chris admits
"So where we're you? Making out with a girl in the corner!" Taylor shouts so loud that it fills the whole room
"You have no right to sit there and yell at me! I have taken care of her for the past 2 weeks! And what about you Taylor? When you blow her off to stay at a girls house! Who says with her? Me! I do! I can't help it when I'm in town! But when I am! I'm always there for her! So don't you dare say anything like that again! Understand?" Chris yells
Chris hangs up and places her phone down
"You sure your good Chris?" Tan asks
"I'm fine! Why is everyone obsessing over me! I'm not the one lying in a hospital bed after being shot! After someone failed to protect me!" Chris yells before running out
"Yeah she's not okay is she?" Street adds
"No shit Sherlock" Tan says as street smiles
It's the next morning and Maddison has been loaded into the back of the helicopter and is on her way to Chicago. Deacon rides with Luca, Street and Tan whilst Hondo rides with Chris
"Tell me what's going on?" Hondo asks with his eyes firmly stuck to the road ahead
"I see this kinda stuff everyday! God I'm usually the one behind the trigger! Yet I'm loosing myself over Maddison!" Chris explains
"You care about her Chris! The people we see are usually murders or drug lords" Hondo explains
"I know. I just can't lose her. She's special you know" Chris adds
"You love her don't you?" Hondo suggests
"I can't do that to Kelly. She's in love with him" Chris says as she drops her head
"We'll have you told her how you feel?" Hondo asks
"I kissed her the night she was shot. That's why I wasn't there. I couldn't handle the second hand embarrassment! Yet I nearly cost Maddison her life!" Chris explains
"I'm sure she'll forgive you Chris" Hondo adds as Chris smiles
"Thanks Hondo" Chris adds

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