Chapter 44 - I cant loose another one!

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"He barley pulled through, but he's with us" The doctor adds as Maddison sighs
"Can I see him?" Maddison asks with puppy dog eyes
"Yes, but only for a split second" The doctor adds before leading Maddison in
"Hey you" Maddison says through her tears
"Mads" Taylor says groggily
"Don't you ever do that to me again, you hear me!" Maddison adds as she takes his hand
"I hear you" Taylor adds as he snuggles his head into Maddison's hand
"I'm sorry" Maddison admits as a tear falls down her face
"What for love?" Taylor asks as he looks up at her
"For being a bitch, I didn't mean to say you were like Paul! Your nothing like him!" Maddison adds
"I know you didn't mean it, I only came back here because I felt like I didn't belong at 51" Taylor explains as he starts to go pale
"Taylor? Honey?" Maddison asks
"I don't feel too good" Taylor explains as he clutches his chest
"Stay with me honey" Maddison adds as she runs to the curtain
"I need a doctor in here!" Maddison yells
"Maddison" Taylor says as Maddison turns her head
As she looks around she can see blood in Taylor's hand, he then coughs again adding to that blood. Doctors then fill the room
"What's his stats?!" The doctor yells
"17/40!" The nurse yells checking the monitor
"Taylor, it's okay baby" Maddison says as she smiles
"He's coding" The doctor adds as he starts to do CPR
"I'll push one round of Epi" The nurse adds as she gets out the injection
"Pushing" She adds before giving him the dose
"No change" The doctor adds as he looks at the monitor
"Will I push another dose?" Another nurse asks
Maddison then steps back and steps into Cortez
"What the hell happened?" She asks
"He started coughing up blood which indicates internal bleeding which means the surgery didn't go as well as they had thought, clearly he's lost too much blood and he can't catch a breath properly" Maddison explains whilst sobbing
"God I'm so grateful that your a paramedic right now" Cortez adds as she puts her hands on Maddison's shoulders
"I'm not" Maddison adds as they turn their attention back to the doctors
"Anything?" The doctor asks still doing CPR
"Nothing" The nurse adds
5 minuets go by and there is still no change
"We need to stop" The nurse argues
"I'm not loosing another patient today!" The doctor yells as the nurse puts her hands on his
"He's gone" The nurse says softly
"What! No he's not! My baby! He's not gone!" Maddison sobs
The doctor lets out a sigh
"Time of death 15:42" He says...

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