Chapter 12 - In a rough position

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"Okay. Deep breaths, what's going on?" Taylor asks
"Everything is my fault! I almost killed a girl last week! I lost my kid the week before! My best friend isn't talking to me! And I kissed you!" Maddison shouts as her head falls into her hands
"It's going to be okay" Taylor says as Maddison starts to get a ringing in her ears
She takes a deep breath in but doesn't look too good. Dawson looks at her and runs over
"Mads?" Dawson says softly
"Uhh yeah" Maddison replies as she rubs her forehead
"Come on and sit down" Dawson suggests as she takes Maddison and sits her down in the common room
"I'll grab a glass of water" Casey states as he grabs a glass
"Dawson?" Maddison asks as she gets dizzy
"Yeah honey?" Dawson asks holding up her head
"I-I don't feel too good" Maddison says before her head drops
"Maddison!" Taylor shouts
"It's okay she just fainted" Dawson says as she carefully guides Maddison onto the floor
They all look at her body as Dawson positions her
"What the hell happened in bodens office" Kelly asks
"I don't know but I'm gonna find out!" Casey says as he rushes out the room
"Casey!" Dawson shouts but he's already gone
"I'll get him" Taylor says as he rushes to get Casey
"What the hell happened!?" Casey shouts as he bursts into Boden's office
"Casey" Boden says
"No! Maddison is lying on the floor in the common room! She fainted due to all the stress that has been put on her!" Casey yells
"Luca saved that little girl! If she hadn't did what she done then that little girl would not be here right now! Her parents would have never spoken to their daughter again! Your really punishing her for that?" Taylor adds
"If you are then there's something wrong with the CFD! We signed a contract to help people! And that's exactly what Luca did!" Casey yells before shaking his head and walking out
"I thought you were better than that" Taylor says before walking out and closing the door
Boden let's out a frustrated sigh and smacks his hand against his desk.
Casey and Taylor run back towards the common room where Maddison is waking up
"Huh?" Maddison says as her eyes adjust to the light
"Hey, take it easy!" Dawson says as Maddison tries to get up
"How you feeling mads?" Taylor asks
"I'm fine just a little confused? What happened?" Maddison asks as she sits up
"You fainted, you just need to get some rest" Dawson says as she helps her up and into the bunk room

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