Chapter 43 - Finding him

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"Do we have anything?" Maddison asks as she walks into Cortez's office
"Not yet, but I'm sure we will have soon, go home and get some rest" Cortez says
"I can't just leave you!" Maddison argues
"Go home, I'm the cop, I get paid for this you don't" Cortez explains as Maddison walks out
After a very sleepless night Maddison is back at HQ, she walks in to see Cortez waiting for her
"We found him" She explains
"What?" Maddison asks as she sits her bag down
"He's in a warehouse in downtown LA" Cortez adds
"Well are we going to get him?!" Maddison asks
"Yes but we need to wait for medical assistance" Cortez explains as she hooks her badge onto her belt
"I'm a paramedic! I can't do it!" Maddison argues
"Are you sure? Aren't you too close to the victim?" Cortez asks as she picks up her gun
"Yes come on! Let's go!" Maddison yells as they all run out
They arrive at the scene 10 minuets later, Maddison gets suited up and is shadowing Cortez. Cortez runs over the plan until they are ready to burst in.
"Stay low" Cortez mutters
"Copy" Maddison replies
They get deeper until they discover Taylor
"Go get him and we'll get the other guys!" Cortez orders as Maddison runs over to Taylor
"Taylor! Baby! Come on wake up!" Maddison yells as she unties him
Maddison lays him on the floor and assesses him, Maddison discovers that he isn't breathing
"Come on Taylor!" Maddison yells as she does CPR on him
"That's everyone, how is he?" Cortez asks
"I need a round of epi! Where's the ambo?" Maddison asks, still doing CPR on Taylor
"2 minutes out" Cortez adds as she looks at her watch
Minuets later the paramedics run in
"I need a round of Epi! Now!" Maddison yells as the paramedics follow her orders
Maddison pushes a round of Epi and checks his pulse
"I've got a pulse! Get him in the rig now!" Maddison yells as they place Taylor on the stretcher
They place Taylor in the rig and Maddison hops on until she feels someone grab her hand
"Take care of him" Cortez adds
"I will" Maddison says before closing the doors
"Come on Taylor! I need you! I'm so sorry for what I said! Your nothing like Paul baby" Maddison says as she takes his hand
They arrive at the hospital and Maddison is in tears
"He'll pull through" Cortez adds
"And if he doesn't?" Maddison asks looking up with puffy eyes
"He will" Cortez says
The doctor then walks out, with a sympathetic look on his face...

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