8- "..absolute dick.."

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At this time, this is the point in the story where you start to really dislike Hyunjin in this story, but don't worry! He'll redeem himself... eventually


Arriving home, he let out a breath of relief seeing he was the only one home.

He just needed to wash this horrible night off him.

Getting to his bathroom he looked in the mirror and sighed.

"Shit... I'm going to need to cover these up..." Felix muttered looking at his neck.

With another small sigh he started to take his extensions out, thankful that the lady at the salon was nice enough to show him how to.

Once all his extensions were out he took his clothes off, cringing at the feeling between his legs.

"Crap... We must've been to wasted to clean up..." Felix said.

After a much needed hour long shower he got out and wrapped a towel around himself.

Groaning remembering he had a date in a hour.

Exiting his bathroom he went straight to his dresser to pull out underwear, then his phone rang.

"Hello?" Felix answered siting on his bed.

"Hey, just wanted to uhm call and check you got home okay." Hyunjin's voice cut through.

"Yeah, I did." Felix said and nodded.

"Uhm, what are you doing?"

Felix mentally scoffed.

"I'm, uh getting ready for my date with Beomgyu." Felix said.

Hyunjin hummed.

"You're still going on that date even after last night?" He asked.

Felix blinked a couple times.

"Like you said last night was a mistake, so why would it matter?" Felix questioned.

"I mean, I don't know it just seems a bit slutty. You just hooked up with someone and now you're going on a date with someone else..."

Felix scoffed.

"S-slutty? Me? That-that is golden coming from you of all people!" Felix was absolutely livid.

"I mean Felix honestly think of it. You just slept with me and now you're going on a date with Beomgyu." Hyunjin said.

"I have never in my life wanted to punch you more than now. You are being a complete ass for what reason? I mean you- you of all people have no room to talk! You bring home someone everytime the band has a showcase or a gig!"

"That is different they are never back to back. You just slept with me, now you're going on a date." Hyunjin said.

Felix blinked a couple times and shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Fuck off. You are and absolute dick. Y'know I would have rather you pretend to forget me, then have to hear you basically call me a slut. By the way, that was my first time." Felix said then hung up before Hyunjin could say anything.

With a shaky breath Felix punched in Beomgyus number.

"Hey, Lix I was just about to go pick you up."

"Hey, Beomgyu... Actually I was wondering if we could just not do this date..." Felix said.

"This was a rebound date for you too, wasn't it?" Beomgyu asked.

Felix sighed.

"Yeah... I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry 'bout it Lix. How about I come over and we watch some movies and talk about it instead, as just friends." Beomgyu suggested.

"Maybe some other time?"

"Of course, see you at school?"

"Yeah, see you." Felix said then hung up.

Setting the phone back in its place, Felix sighed.

He needed to talk to someone, but he couldn't go to his brother or best friend, so he went to the next best people.

Minho and Jisung.

"Hey, lix what are you doing here?" Jisung asked when he answered Minho's door.

"I need to talk to someone." Felix said.

"Okay, come in."

"Who was it baby?" Minho asked exiting from the kitchen.

Felix waved with a tight lipped smile.

"Hey, lixie. What's up?" Minho asked.

Felix bit his lip.

"So something happened last night... Nothing really bad, but something somewhat bad?" Felix said unsure of how to put it.

"It looks like you had a good time last night..." Jisung said gesturing to Felix neck and part of his collarbone that was showing.

"Yeah, it is about this..." Felix sighed sitting down with the two.

"Did someone.?" Minho asked.

"No." Felix shook his head.

The two nodded.

"I would- I really would go to Yeji or Jackson about this, but I can't and I don't know what to do or think and I just need help." Felix began to panic.

"Hey, Lix we aren't going to judge you. People make mistakes, it happens, just tell us what happened and we can try and help." Jisung said, setting a gentle hand on Felixs' hand.

Felix took a deep breath.

"I slept with Hyunjin, last night at the party, and this morning he said that we shouldn't talk about it and that it was just a mistake. He also said that we shouldn't tell Yeji or Jackson about it." Felix let out.

Jisung and Minho blinked a couple times.

"That's not all, he kind of called me like an hour or so after I got home to see if I got home okay and one thing led to another and I told him I was getting ready for my date with Beomgyu and he said that is was kind of slutty that I just slept with him and now I was going on date."

Minho was about to open his mouth, but Felix spoke first,

"Also, I kind of like him and...and last night was my first time." Felix finished.

"Well... Uh.." Jisung sighed.

"First, Hyunjin wasan absolute asshole for basically calling you a slut. However, as for the thing he said to you about it being a mistake, he doesn't exactly know you have feeling for him does he?" Minho asked.

Felix shook his head.

"Okay, so let's look at it this way. He wakes up after being completely black out drunk, naked next to his little sister's best friend and his best friend's little brother, who might I add was also black out drunk.

He panicked and instead of talking to you about it, he said the first thing that comes to mind thinking that you probably feel the same. I don't think he intended to hurt you, I think he was trying to fix what he deemed a mistake. Though I do think he should have talked to you about it." Minho said.

Jisung was about to speak, but Minho cut him off knowing what the younger was thinking.

"If he wanted to hurt Felix he would've said what he says to all his other hook-ups." Minho stated.

Jisung hummed agreeing.

Felix sighed and slumped in his chair.

"Can I stay here with you guys for a little bit?" He asked.

"Of course, just tell us when you are ready to go home and we'll drive you home." Jisung said.

Felix nodded.

Min is right... If he wanted to hurt me he would said a lot worse...

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