3- Little sister's best friend

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I hate some of the characters in this story. I want to fight these dumbass characters.

Tw: homophobia and use of the f word, brief scene of sexual harassment.


"Is he okay?" Yeji asked.

Felix looked over to Hyunjin who seemed a little dazed.

"I think?... I mean he seemed a little off after the last outfit I showed him." Felix mentioned.

"Which one did you show him?"

Felix opened one of his bags and showed Yeji the outfit.

"I see." Yeji chuckled.

"I need to go to the art shop." Felix mentioned.

"Mm, I need to go to bath and body works." Yeji said.

"You and Hyunjin go there and I'll go to the art store."

"Are you sure?"

"Jiji, it isn't my first time walking around by myself. I'm eighteen, I can go around by myself."

"Okay, go. You know where we'll be." Yeji told him.

Felix nodded and ran off.

"Wait, where is Felix going?" Hyunjin questioned.

"He is going to the art store and we are going to bath and body works." Yeji shrugged.

"Yeji, I'm supposed to be watching both you guys, not just you." Hyunjin stated firmly.

"Hyunjin, he is eighteen. He'll be fine." Yeji said.

"Yeah, he's eighteen and last week he was harassed by some dude while he was by himself." Hyunjin stated frustrated..

The girls eyes widened.

"He never told me..."

"Yeah, well he's Felix. I only know because mom and dad told me, that is why I told you I would be driving you guys today." Hyunjin said.

Yeji sighed.

"I know which store he is at, come on."

Felix hummed as he looked at all the art supplies.

Though he was feeling a little uneasy especially since the incident last week, he figured that it would go away... At least until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Ah, if it isn't the little cutie."

Felix gripped the basket he was holding a little tighter and ignore the male.

"You know, it's not nice to ignore people." The male continued to bother Felix.

"I'll say this as nice as possible, leave me the hell alone." Felix said smiling sweetly.

Felix jumped slightly when he felt the male grab his wrist tightly.

"That is no way to treat someone, fag." The male seethed.

"Let go of me."

Perhaps Felix had a small moment of relief when he heard Yeji call out his name, but just as that relief came it went away when he felt a hand not where a hand should be.

However, just as fast as it was on him it was off of him.

There was only one time Felix has ever seen Hyunjin this angry, is when some dude touch Yeji inappropriately in front of Hyunjin.

"Dude, that hurts." The guy said trying to pull his arm away from Hyunjin.

"You need to leave." Hyunjin said sternly.

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