5- "My little brother"

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"Lix, how many times did that guy mess with you?" Hyunjin asked once Yeji was out of earshot.

"Only twice..."

"Felix, for real." Hyunjin sighed.

"Maybe, I'll stop lying to you when you stop lying to yourself and everyone around you." Felix muttered getting out of the car.


"Wake up you baboons butt! We still have to pick up Felix!" Yeji exclaimed hitting Hyunjin with a pillow.

"What hell Yeji..." Hyunjin groaned.

"Hyunjin get the hell up! You are supposed to be driving Lix and I to school!" Yeji said.


"It is two miles away."

"I used to walk." Hyunjin muttered.

"No, Mark (Tuan) used to drive you and Chan." Yeji corrected.

Hyunjin groaned.

"Get out and let me get dress. Make sure you have all your shit together, because I won't turn around so you can get something." Hyunjin huffed sitting up.

Yeji nodded, setting the pillow down and leaving.

Hyunjin sighed and stood up.

He groaned slightly seeing his face. The bruise hurt quite a bit, but not as much as other ones be had gotten.

Sighing, he got ready for the day.

"Are you ready to go loser?" He questioned Yeji, as he made it downstairs.

"Don't forget we have to pick up Lix." Yeji said.

"Yeah, whatever."

Yeji rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag.

"You're acting five." Hyunjin stated, watching Yeji sit in the backseat.

"At least I act five and know how deal my emotions." Yeji snapped slightly.

"Yeah, sure." Hyunjin muttered.

Yeji rolled her eyes again and rested her head on her hand.

Felix sat at the steps of his house tears silently falling onto his cheeks. Events from weeks previous flashing in his mind.

He hadn't even realised that Hyunjin and Yeji pulled up until he heard Hyunjin honk the horn.

His head snapped up and he tried to discreetly wipe his tears.

"Why are you in the back Jiji?" He questioned opening the car door.

"Because she wants to act like a five year old." Hyunjin muttered.

Felix looked over to Hyunjin, his eyes instantly widening seeing the giant bruise on Hyunjins cheek.

"What happened to your cheek and lip?"

"He decided to practice with Chan and went a bit over board." Yeji said.

"We weren't wearing gloves is all." Hyunjin huffed.

"Why in the hell wouldn't you wear gloves.?" Felix questioned.

"Spur of the moment." The ravenet answered.

"Vague as always. How is Yeji acting like a five year old?" Felix asked.

"We just got into an argument last night and he is calling me a five year old because of it." Yeji said.

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