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A n o t h e r    C h a n c e

Surprisingly, Jimin got even better and better in his goal to win my heart once again.  He would come to the dressing room and would rant at me about what happened to him that day.
Even though I don't talk,  he just kept talking as if he's keeping it to himself and waits for a whole day just to tell it to me.

I would secretly listen to his rant,  loving the fact that he wants me to know what happened to his day.

Just like what happened the other day.

"I really hate the way he talked to our fans. I mean,  we love our fans! I couldn't accept his treatment towards them."

He talked as his lips slightly pouted. His brows were furrowed as he talked. He looks like a kid ranting to his mom about his stoked candy.

"Do you know what I did? I glared at him with everything that I could. I almost couldn't see.  You know, cause my eyes are small." He pointed at his eyes and looked at me as if he's waiting for me to agree with his statement.

I stared at him for a few second before moving slowly. I had to.  He looks like he was anticipating with my answer.

"See? As I was saying, I really did my best to tell him by eyes to stop whatever he's doing. And he'll, I wish I could tell you how he looked like. He looked terrified as hell as if I'd cut his balls right there at moment."

He burst out laughing until I heard his little squeaks in between. It wasn't even funny but I found myself laughing a little.

It was funny because he laughed at his words alone.

Suddenly he stopped midway and stood up from his chair.  He looked at me with so much horror in his eyes as if I murdered his whole family in front if him.

I looked at him confused.

His hands flew to his mouth.
"D-Did you just laughed?"

My brows knitted.more.
"A little? What's the big deal?"

Really what's going on with him?  It's just a freaking laugh, but more like a loud chuckle. What's the big deal?

Is it a crime to laugh nowadays?

"You did!" He exclaimed. He raised both of his hands in fists as if he just won a game.

"Yes! I made her smile." He whispered in the air as he fist his hands.

My heart warmed at his statement. He wanted to make me smile all along? All his efforts... just to make me smile?

Am I...  being that rude? That I couldn't even appreciate his efforts? I couldn't even give him a little smile?

"Please don't fell weird. I'm not obsess or what. I just want to see you smile again. I've always been the reason why you cry, so I want to make you happy... And I hope you are." He explained.

Oppa- A Jirose FFWhere stories live. Discover now