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S e c o n d   d a y 

The sound of the bubbling oil from the fry pan and the sweet smell of her breakfast woke Chaeyoung up. After making herself presentable, she rushed toward the stairs, feeling excited thinking she'll be eating other food than her usual omelet and fried rice breakfast.

She immediately went to the kitchen only to see Jimin holding a spatula in his hands while wearing a sunny side-up apron. She went towards him and peeked to his broad shoulders.

"What are you cooking?" 
Jimin jumped that made her jolt up too.

"What the hell?! Don't surprise me like that woman." he exclaimed, placing his hand near his heart. She pouted.

"Sorry." She sheepishly smiled at him while he glare at her. He gradually shook his head as he rolled his eyes. 

He took a few steps away from the pan to take a plate so she took the opportunity to look at what he's cooking. The smell of the cooking bacon in the pan made her salivate.

"This is great! Can I have some?" she begged at him but he just pushed her aside as he picked up the bacon from the pan then put it on the plate.

"Later." He told her casually before pointing at the stool in the kitchen counter.
"Sit there and drink your milk. I made it for you." He told her then put his attention back to the pan.

She pouted as she made her way to the kitchen counter then made a sit.
"I'm not some 5 year-old kid to drink milk." she murmured annoyingly but slowly drank the glass of milk in her hands.

"First of all, you act like a five year-old kid. Second, do you know that milk makes you intelligent? It makes you grow stronger too. And taller." He told her, showing her a teasing smile.

"Well, you should drink too. You need it." She told him like nothing then took another sip from her milk.

"You—" he threw the spoon at me but she dodged it with my hands. She tried her best not to laugh at him but a fit of laughter escaped her mouth and it turned into a loud laughter.

"You're face is hilarious!" she laughed loudly again, holding her stomach. While he glared at the girl, maybe subconsciously killing her already.

Well he can't defend himself because it was true.


"Yah, Jimin-ah. Could you try to smile like a bit?" I told him with a creased forehead. He stayed silent while he continue reading all my compositions. I'm taking pictures for the documentary thingy but he wasn't cooperating. I sighed then lazily sat on the floor.

"Hey, can you cooperate for a second? Why are you even so grumpy all the time?!" I exclaimed at him and for the first time he looked at me with his stoic face.

"My smile is expensive, sorry, not sorry." He smiled for a second then his stoic face came back. I pouted sadly as I looked at my pink-colored polaroid camera.

"Okay, how about this. Think of happy thoughts like your favorite pet, or your parents, or siblings, or your crush!" I said to him excitedly. I saw him shrugged before putting down the folder. I giggled excitedly when he sat comfortably then released a sigh.

Oppa- A Jirose FFWhere stories live. Discover now