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f i r s t    d a y    w i t h    J i m i n    p t . 3

I woke up with the sound of the guitar echoing through the walls. I groaned then tried to cover my ear with the pillow beside me but I failed to do so. I reluctantly stood up from my bed then looked at the clock beside me.

6:30 in the evening.

I sighed. How much sleeping did I spent? 

I fixed the bed first before entering the bathroom to wash my face and tie my hair into a messy bun. I took my coat from the closet and wore it to prevent myself to catch a cold.

I was hesitant to go out the room because of my hurt pride but I have no choice but to do it. I will still have to face it anyways. Why not now?

I walked down the stairs with my lips bitten out of my risen anxiety. I peeked behind the wall first to see if anyone is around. Specifically, Jimin. But when I saw no one, I felt the relief in my body.

I'm confused though, where's the strumming of the guitar coming from?

I didn't bother looking for it first as I found myself making its way to the kitchen. 

I already expect my dish being thrown at the trash bin. My pride hurts when I think he actually threw it. It might be embarrassing, but I admit I actually want him to praise my cooking.

But of course he didn't. Cause it was horrible. I can't blame him though.

I began to search the refrigerator for some food. My stomach was screaming food since earlier. It's not that I'm complaining though. Food is always life. Screw love, love abandons you, food doesn't. *wink

I was digging to the refrigerator when I noticed something to the sink. It was an empty bowl. It's not actually the bowl whom I'm confuse with. 

It was the remaining soup inside the bowl. And from what I see, it was my cooking earlier. It was half empty. More than half actually, nearly whole of it was eaten.

Did he really ate it?

I search the whole kitchen to find the rest of the contents of the bowl which he might have thrown away but I found nothing.

He really ate it! 

As if on cue, I saw Jimin coming towards the water dispenser holding a glass in his small hands. I stared at him as he pressed a button at the dispenser then the thing let out a water.

He put the glass between his lips then quickly drank the water. I stood there in awe, observing how his Adam's apple move up and down making him look a lot more sexier. 

He must've noticed I was staring at so he stopped drinking then raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?" he asked me stubbornly. I closed my lips and pursed it, coming towards him holding the big bowl in my hands.

"I-In any case, did you ate the soup?" I ask him while pointed at the bowl. He rolled his eyes then finished drinking his water and put his glass down on the ceramic texture of the counter, making a loud thud.

Oppa- A Jirose FFWhere stories live. Discover now