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R e l a t i o n s h i p

"Chae." Jimin called me from behind. I turned around to look at him, and saw him sitting on the couch, his eyes were directly looking at the TV.

"Hmm?" He looked at me for a brief second then bit his lip as he looked down at the floor. He eventually put down the remote of the TV on the small table beside him before he rushed toward me.

"Why? I asked him in confusion but he just smiled at me, his eyes once again, turning into small slits which I absolutely adore.

I was beyond surprise when he suddenly hugged me tightly from the back, burying his face on the crook of my neck. I just stood there and let him hug me, feeling him inhale through my skin, then letting out a satisfied breath.

"Flower..." I smiled at what he just called me. I turned around to face him properly before wrapping my arms to his neck. I leaned closer until our noses touched, as I rubbed it playfully with mine making both of us laugh a little.

A week after that night, Jimin and I became official.
He asked me to be his girlfriend, and who am I to say no?
It's not the time to be choosy, cause I know that deep inside me, I love him, even before he met me.

But then, risks where everywhere so we had to make our relationship hidden.

For this passed whole week, we pretended like we're just close friends and co-workers.
No one knew about it, not even his members, nor mine.

I understood him when he told me we should keep it a secret; yet.
If both our managers, or our bosses would know about this, we'd get punishments that would make us suffer for years.

And I won't let that happen.
Besides, I don't care what people would say about us.
I love him, and he love me. That's all what matters.

If they don't accept us, it won't stop me to love him.
I mean, they don't even have the right to do that in the first place.
If they truly love us, they would accept our decisions.

"I want to eat outside and watch movies." I whispered to him, my eyes not leaving his. 
He kissed the top of my nose before reconnecting our foreheads as he sighed.

"I'm sorry love but you know we can't right? As much as I want to take you out, I don't want us to be in trouble, hmm?" He brushed my hair with his fingers, placing a quick kiss on the top of my hair before looking at me as if he was studying my reaction.

I sighed in disappointment, and nodded my head in understanding. I heard him sighed as well before I felt him kiss my forehead, a gesture of him which I find too sweet.

"We can eat here. I'll cook for us. Let's set the table then we'll watch movies at the TV. Sounds good?" He smiled as he tried to cheer me up.

My eyes lit up in excitement before nodding at him nonstop. I giggled at the thought of us having a official date since we've been together. I'm so excited!

Jimin laughed at me before letting me go to start preparing everything. Me being a romantic freak, set up the table and everything. 
I bought some flowers at the nearest flower shop, not forgetting to wear face masks so they wouldn't catch me and start blocking my way.

Not that I hate my fans, but they're being too toxic sometimes that they even forget that we're humans that needs space too. They're being insensitive of our feelings.

Oppa- A Jirose FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz