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[ sorry for being inactive. been busy in life lately :) ]

P h o t o s h o o t    p t . 2

"And 1, 2 ,3 pose." A camera flash was seen as the person poses in front of the camera.
"Alright! That's good! Again!" 

Chaeyoung is so tired already. They've been taking pictures for 7 hours already and she can't help but to feel hungry. She pouted when she felt her stomach grumble again. She put her hand on the surface of her stomach as she felt it vibrate against her hand.

"You're hungry too tum-tum? I am as well, but we can't eat yet." She pouted sadly as she spoke to her stomach. 

She remove her hand from her stomach then put both of her hands on her side as she sits on the box at the corner of the room. She swings her legs back and forth while she felt like pouting for the rest of life.

She looked at the staff walk back and forth due to their job. They were doing weird noises because of their voices colliding. It was so unorganized and Chaeyoung wants to go home already.

She heaved a sigh then decided to watch Jimin doing his single shot, handsomely glaring to the camera doing his fierce look. The cameraman praised him while he did several poses, keeping his charismatic aura.

A random staff went beside her to take some thins at the storage box that caught her attention.
"Hey unnie, when can we go home?" She asked the woman staff then saw her stilled at her feet. 

The staff looked at her with slight wide eyes.
"U-ummm we still can't Miss Rosé. But don't worry, Sir Jimin will be finish anytime soon and you can start your solo shot." The female staff assures her as she smiles.

Chaeyoung pouted even more.
"Alright, thanks unnie." She smiled at the staff.

The staff went away holding a notebook markers, colored pens and many more as she gave it to the man sitting on the chair with a scary look. He seems mad.

"May I call for Miss Park Rosé. It's time for your solo shoot." Chaeyoung snapped out of reality when she heard the announcement. She quickly stood up and fixed herself then went towards the photo venue.

Her eyes met Jimin and in an instant, her heart beat faster than usual. But Jimin being himself, he avoided her eyes like a typical snob as he passed her like nothing.

She pouted as she followed him with her eyes as she walked towards the dressing room.

He isn't Jimin if he isn't arrogant.


"Mr. Staff, can we rest already? I'm hungry." She asked the cameraman as she sat on the swing, as the theme of their shoot.

The staff creased his forehead as he looked at Chaeyoung with begging eyes.
"I don't think so ma'am. But I'll ask Mr. Kim, just a minute." 

He turned around then went to the Mr. Kim person and whispered something to him. She got startled when he suddenly stood up, wearing a scary look that made her scared.

She became even more nervous when he walked towards her with his hands inside his pocket. He looks mad but he isn't mad for what she assume. He's just scary.

"Miss Rosé, I want a word please." He uttered sternly that made her frightened even more. She started paying with the hem of her paldas while she stares at he feet.

"You cannot have a break Miss Chaeyoung. You just started the photoshoot, that's unfair to all o us that started working since yesterday, without any sleep. So can you please consider." His sentence maybe sound polite. But the way to spoke it sound so rude and offensive.

"It's already been 7 hours since I ate last, sajangnim. And work doesn't include laughing ang giggling with your friends since earlier." She can't help but to utter. It was true though, he even posted a picture on Twitter drinking with his friends.

She saw his eyebrows knit as his jaw clenched indicated he's madder this time. She must've been offended him by what she said.

Oh no, this isn't nice.

"First of all, it didn't matter. At least we're doing our job correctly. But for you Miss Chaeyoung, you need to grow up and be mature. Life isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. Be responsible." He uttered to her not so kind that it hit her pride.

He took a step forward causing her to move backwards. He looks scary than ever.
"Stop being childish and fucking grow up. Don't think that people like you bratty personality. This project isn't a game so be mature. You aren't a child anymore. You're 25 years old goddamnit."

His words strike her all at once that it was so hard to breath. Her heart hurts like hell from what she just found out. Her eyes are starting to be blurry due to her tears that was forming. Some of them already fell.

She looked up just to see each of them witnessing him embarrass her in front of them. She felt so small and helpless.

"Stupid shit." She flinched at his word and more tears fell from her eyes.

"Hey, that's enough." She felt an arm circling her waist as it pulled her to his embrace protectively. She looked up to see Jimin glaring to the person in front of them as he slightly pushed him with his hands, seems like warning him.

The scary man rolled his eyes and marched towards the exit of the room. Jimin looked down on her as he turned her to face him properly.

She kept looking down, afraid to look at him after what he just saw. He just witness the most embarrassing and horrifying part of her life. What face can she show now.

"Hey." She felt his hand on her chin as it pushed it upward to meet his eyes. He wiped her tears with his thumb but more fell to replace them.

He sighed as he then dropped a small, assuring smile.
"Do you wanna go home?"

Jimin is a frail.

He won't admit that he's whipped for the girl XD

• 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐞♡•

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