Yukio Okumura x Reader

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Yukio Okumura x Reader

Blue Exorcist
I tripped. I was being chased by a demon and I tripped. That's so like me. I'm an upper second class exorcist who took the meister of knight and after all the training I still can't walk straight.

The demon knocked the sword out of my hand so I decide to run for it. I called for backup but they haven't shown up yet. This fall would be the death if me the demon wasn't following far behind and wasn't in such a good mood. I just covered my head and closed my eyes, awaiting the attack of the beast, but it never came.

I heard a gunshot and my eyes flew open.

"Don't worry I got you" a voice called. I remember that voice... who is that voice?.. I believe it said the same words almost 7 years ago...

I was about 8 years old and was taking a walk out by the lake near my school. The light shimmered off the water in the lake just perfectly at this time of day.

I took a few steps closer to the water to get a better view of the glistening water.


A heard a branch break and jumped back in surprise. I had realized my mistake in doing so, but it was too late. I was now falling fast into the clear body of water. I know that doesn't seem bad but I was a very anxious and easily scared kid so the thought of falling into a lake, one that I had no idea of how deep it was, almost made me cry. I closed my watery eyes and waited for the cold water to embrace me.

But it didn't. I felt a different embrace.

I opened up my eyes to see a boy from the school I went to. He was in the class across the hall. He had brown hair and beautiful teal eyes.

"Don't worry I got you," he said to me. I just looked at him and started crying. I didn't know what else to do and was unreasonably emotional at the moment. He tensed up and didn't know what to do so I hugged him tight and he relaxed and hugged back.

I finally stopped crying and looked up at him again.

"You helped me" all the crying made my words unstable and full of small hiccups, "... And I don't even know your name,"

"It's Yukio."

I wiped off a few stray tears and smiled a toothy grin at him, my mood changing swiftly.

"My name's (y/n)!" I put out my hand for him to shake. He shook it and ruffled my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

We stayed friends throughout our younger years but due to both our circumstances it couldn't continue. I can still remember how we would play and how he would call my name when I ran off too far...

"(Y/n)...(y/n) ... (Y/N)!"

I opened my eyes and realized that I was on the ground still and was looking into Yukio's eyes.



"You're an exorcist? You were always such a worried kid. You must have changed a lot."

"You're just the same."

He handed me back my sword that he said he found on his way to find me.

"Thanks Yukio."

"No problem."

We walked out of the forest and came across a large lake sparkling lake.

"Don't fall in, (y/n)," he teased. I just looked at him and gave him a light punch to his shoulder. He looked into my (e/c) eyes and started to lean in and kissed me. I was taken off guard, I mean I haven't seen the kids for so many years, but something came over me saying "screw it why not" and I kissed back.

"You really are different aren't you?" Yukio whispered to me.

"Ya, I guess," I responded with a light smirk on my face.

"Too bad I really did like saving you." He jokingly threw back at me.

I looked up at him confused, "What?"

I couldn't even fully understand what was going on before I was pushed down towards the lake. I fell and fell until I was face first and about 2 inches from the surface of the clear water. Then Yukio grabbed my hand and pulled me into another hug.

"Was that really necessary?" I pouted

"You loved it though," he said as he pulled away from the hug.

"Yes, yes I do."

Maybe finding him here was a good thing after all.

Sorry if it's bad or a little predictable it's my first story!!

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