Lastly, last night was one of my favorite date night we've ever been on and that goes to say a lot, because we've been on so many in the past few months. And also, don't forget to add water into the vase I placed your flowers in so they won't wither, Seeing you later yea? I love you baby, so much. Actually I love you very very much, please try not to limp to class okay?"

The last line of the text instantly sends Jungkook into a wheezing spree, causing him to giggle shyly in adoration. He was so deeply inlove, he knew that, he felt that and most of all, he freaking accepted that no matter what anyone had to say.

Noticing how quiet Jungkook had kept him, Daniel squinted his eyes curiously, trying to steal a quick glance at Jungkook's cellphone. "Why are you laughing though? Anyways you know what? I do not even need you to answer to that, I know I'm hilarious"

"Jungkook rolled his eyes for the second time that morning, before garnering enough strength to push himself up from the bed. "You wish, now excuse me while I get ready, except you want to see me naked?" he added sarcastically.

"The fuck no! I still very much value my eyesight" Daniel wailed and covered his eyes with his palm as he ran straight towards the sitting m room.

Jungkook's day went by as usual, attending a few revision classes ahead of his finals and squeezing in time for his basketball practices. A few months had rolled by in the blink of an eye, he could easily attest to all of it, because one moment he felt like he was still trying to put his life in order, and the very next, he's preparing to graduate college with high hopes of securing a decent job for himself as well.

It really looked like life was beginning to look up for him and he was immensely grateful for every day he got to live. Actually, Jungkook was grateful for a whole lot of things, Seokjin being one of those things, as the man's presence in his life brought him nothing but sheer happiness and joy. Sometimes, he often had to pinch himself to make sure his entire life with the man was indeed not a dream, but reality instead.

The sun was gradually setting by the time Jungkook rounded up with all of the activities he had planned for the day. slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he completely zips up his sweater to mask out the cold, considering how chilly the weather was getting in preparation for the soon to arrive season of festivities.

As soon as he steps out of the schools main exit, he's abruptly, yet softly held by the arm and pulled towards a secluded corner, where his back made quick contact with the concrete wall.

The culprit then takes off his mask and smiled down at Jungkook, before pulling him into a bear like hug.

"It's cold baby, why aren't you wearing any gloves?"

Jungkook grins in content, nuzzling deeper into the man's neck as he felt much gratitude towards the warmth that coaxed through his upper body. Pulling back just a bit with his arms still around the man's neck, he promptly pulls him down for a short kiss. "What are you even doing here? I thought you texted me earlier saying you'll be working late?"

Seokjin nods with a frown, pouting like a child, "Yes I work late today, but I missed you so much and I was shooting nearby so I decided to come say hi"

"That explains the weird mask" Jungkook grins knowingly.

"Yes, I'm sure people are bound to recognize me more often these days, so this is me taking the necessary precautions to keep you safe from prying eyes. I want you to have a quiet life outside of the media Jeonguk, you're young and you deserve to be carefree and happy, not constantly looking over your shoulders and watching your every step in whatever you do"

"I don't deserve you" Jungkook chided and gently brushed his cold fingers over Seokjin's face, appreciating the man's beauty.

Bopping Jungkook's nose, Seokjin shakes his head in disapproval, "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you my love" he says, resting a hand behind Jungkook's head and bestowing a loving kiss on his forehead.

"I love you" Jungkook smiled up at him with heart eyes.

"And I love you too" Seokjin responds before pulling away from the hug and readjusting his mask over his nose. "Do you want coffee to keep you warm? Should we buy from the cafe opposite your school?"

"Don't you have to return back to set?"

Seokjin nodded as he grabbed Jungkook's hands into his, "Yes I do baby, but I can atleast have a warm cup of coffee with you before I leave right? please let me" he begged, his puppy eyes easily doing the trick.

"You're such a big baby" Jungkook teased, intertwining their hands instead, as he led them out of the secluded corner and towards the coffee shop.

The lovers walked hand in hand, chattering about whatever happened during the day, until Jungkook says,

"Guess what? My mom and sister have been acting all nice towards me, especially my Mom. She sounds so sorry over the phone whenever we talk. Apparently this is the most sincere I've ever felt her apology compared to other times, what do you think happened?"

"Well, It's quite easy, I think she's really sorry and might have learnt her lesson" Seokjin responds as he reassuringly squeezes Jungkook's hand in his.

"Hmm, I guess you're right, but I wonder why though. Do you have any idea why she's suddenly like this?"

Seokjin clears his throat rather loudly, as he pointed far across the street from them, "There's the coffee shop, c'mon baby let's hurry"

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