one hundred and twelve

422 24 11

taehyung rubbed yoongi's shoulders as the boy studied for an important test. yoongi was tired of studying. the boy had a lot of exams and he had to study hard while taehyung got to take pictures as tests. yoongi thought it was unfair.

"fuck psychology, can i just be a stay at home husband?" he groaned, placing his head on his desk, "you've worked so hard, you can do this" taehyung said, yoongi pulled his hair back and tied it up, "very rare request from min yoongi but get me an iced coffee with no milk or sugar or creamer. just black coffee" he mumbled, "got it, love"


you could only imagine hoseok's reaction when he saw literal stacks and piled of papers on namjoon's desk and the boy sulking in bed in fetal position.

"hi joonie" hoseok spoke, namjoon waved, not looking at the boy, "i see you have a lot of work"

"don't even get me started" he sighed, sitting up from bed, "i was chosen to lead a mock trial but the idiots i was assigned with don't do anything and are making me do their part" he scoffed, "you should tell the professor" hoseok frowned, "i will after i finish"

hoseok looked at the calendar on their wall, "you had a braces tightening today, what color did you get?" he asked in hopes to lighten the mood a bit, "and that stupid man!" he groaned, "he took so long fitting me for a new wire on my bottom teeth! i was already mad thinking about getting a new wire and all the documents i have to analyze and then he's taking up my precious time! he was taking so long like he doesn't have 20 years of experience! why go to school for 13 years if you're going to be so slow! i don't get this done in time, i'm blaming that man and sueing him!" he frustratingly said, hoseok smiled at the boy's rant.

"so how much time were you given to analyze these documents? like a month?" he asked, glancing at the piles of documents, "three days" he sarcastically smiled, "my mouth hurts i have about 130 documents to analyze and write a statement! i'm pulling a 72 hour all nighter"

hoseok blinked, "three days?" he asked, "i think i'd just check myself into the psych ward at that point" the boy said, namjoon sighed.

"not a bad idea" he slumped, sitting at his desk and grabbing a pile of papers and a yellow highlighter.

hoseok just admired him. his fiance was probably the hardest worker he had ever met. he would work day and night if that's what he had to do.

"do you want some ice cream?" hoseok asked, namjoon nodded, "that would be very nice"



im so bored

attorney kim as abt 130 documents to review bc his stupid classmates made him review their documents too


bro same yoongi has like 48 psychology topics to review


why don't u go take pictures instead of complaining



tae do u wanna go to the mall im bored



i'll be at the mall in like 30 mins

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