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[time skip!]

"how do i look?" yoongi asked as he showed his mothers his graduation gown, kyungmi stared at the boy with tears in her eyes.

"beautiful, yoongi" minsoo spoke, making kyungmi burst into tears. the boy they had raised for 6 years was graduating.

yoongi worriedly looked at her, "i thought this was supposed to be happy! why is she crying?" he asked, minsoo smiled,"it is happy. we're happy"

he smiled, pulling his mother in for a hug.

yoongi, namjoon, hoseok, and taehyung were in the house bathroom.

"curl my hair please" yoongi frowned, taehyung nodded, "once hoseok finishes his hair"

yoongi nodded and patiently waited for his turn with the iron. he had earned four cords. he earned a silver, gold and white cord, green cord, and blue cord.

his silver was for doing social work, his gold and white cord was for being college ready, his green cord was for doing medical classes and his blue cord was for a club he was the vice president in.

taehyung began curling yoongi's hair, yoongi was nervous for graduation so he was pretty quiet.

"kyungmi, what's the point of wearing make up if we're going to shed tears?" minsoo asked, "hey! we wore makeup at our wedding, knowing we were going to cry!"

minsoo laughed, "you're right"

yoongi stared at the all people. he felt a bit overwhelmed, he was lucky enough to be able to arrange to sit next to taehyung.

"nervous?" taehyung asked, yoongi nodded, playing with a squishy ball he took from home.

"it'll be alright. the school requested for everyone to clap after the graduate walked the stage" taehyung explained, "thank you" yoongi spoke.

"min yoongi" the presentor spoke, yoongi bowed at the people on the stage and accepted his diploma with both hands.

he couldn't help but stare at everyone, he squinted and saw his mothers. he smiled and waved at them.

he felt an intense emotion overwhelm him. 6 years ago, he was a bruised child who was scared of everyone who dared to touch him in the slightest. now, he was 18, in a much a better place.

he still had effects from his abusive childhood. but he tried his best to push through.

he started crying as he walked to his seat. he quietly sniffled and pulled his legs to his chest.

"oh yoonie, are you alright?" taehyung asked, yoongi sniffled and nodded, wiping his tears as he stared at whoever was on the stage now.

"my son is grown up, minsoo" kyungmi cried into minsoo's shoulder, hicupping as she did so.

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