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taehyung was worried about yoongi who seemed completely out of touch with his world.

yoongi was either a.) crying or b.) staring at the wall. he wasn't eating and would sleep but have nightmares.

"bub, i'm right here. let me know if you want anything" he spoke, yoongi didn't answer, "okay, blink twice for no and once for yes"

yoongi blinked once to agree, "do you want to eat?" he blinked twice, taehyung pouted.

"do you want water?" yoongi blinked once, "i'll get you that. you need to eat later"

yoongi didn't answer.




you know how yoongi went to meet hie bio parents??

i didn't want to worry you so i hesitated on reaching out

since then he's like so out of it and mot doing anything besides crying or staring into space and he hasn't eaten

it worries me

a lot


i can't even begin to imagine

thank you for caring for him

give him something easy to eat

i don't know actually :(

thats why hes not answering

take it step by step



taehyung grabbed some yogurt out of the fridge and walked to yoongi.

he sat yoongi up and supported him with pillows, "yogurt. something small and easy, okay?"

yoongi stared at the boy and let him put some yogurt in his mouth. he savored it a bit before pointing for more.

yoongi finished the whole cup so taehyung was happy about that, "i'm proud of you"

yoongi smiled a bit, looking at his pale hands, "how about you rest?"

yoongi nodded, taehyung placed a kiss on his forehead.

taehyung was leaving but yoongi threw a paper ball at taehyung to grab his attention.

"yes?" he asked, "fruit" he signed, taehyung hummed, "okay, are you hungry?"

yoongi signed, "yes" so taehyung smiled.

yoongi wanted his notepad so he could write to taehyung but he was so exhausted.

he got up from bed, slowly walking to the kitchen. he saw taehyung cutting some strawberries while on the phone.

"i can't come, i told you already" taehyung said, adjusting the phone by his ear, "i'll go next time. right now i'm busy" he spoke, he hung up and sighed.

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