𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 16

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Najwa wanted to use the toilet. She's shocked looked at the floor. I unconscious on the floor. She run to get a help. She called Shahrul. "Amna. Amna!" Shahrul tried to wake me up. Then, he lifts me in a bridal style. He runs to the hospital. Adam, Halimi, and Afifah saw Shahrul lifted me and run away through the window.

Adam stood up and run to catch them. He's shocked looking that's Amna's body. His heart is falling to the ground. "Shahrul!" Halimi stood up looking Adam run to them. He just exited the class and ignored the teacher. No. Please no. He needs to say something before she leave him.

Shahrul, Amna and Najwa get into the ambulance. They left already. And Adam is late. He's late now. He looked around, people are also shocked looking how pale I am that time. Afifah also just saw the ambulance went away. "Who's in the ambulance?" asked Adam to the girl that saw all of these tragedy. Her class is closer to the ambulance.

"Amna, Najwa, Shahrul and Mr.Jactoran." Afifah and Adam dropped their jaw. How can Mr.Jactoran be here.

"Who's Mr.Jactoran?" asked Afifah to make sure if that is really the goblin.

"He's the history and arts teacher." That's really him! So all these times he's teaching at this school? "What happened to Amna?" anxious Jun who just left her class.

"I don't know, she's with a wizard and the film club president and Mr.Jactoran." Adam tried hard to give her a useful information. "Wizard? Goblin also here?" shocked Jun. Adam and Afifah nodded. They tried to take a breath. Too breathless after running right now.

"This must be vampire's plan" said Halimi that walked closer to them.

Nathasha is also there looking at them. Afifah pulled her hair. "These all are your faults, vampire!" screams Afifah attacked Nathasha. Nathasha startled and pulled Afifah's hair back. "Stop it!" They separate these two girls. Adam holds Nathasha and Halimi holds Afifah.

"Stop blaming others, Afifah. We don't have a prove that she's the vampire. Think rationally." Whispers Halimi to Afifah's ear. Afifah pushed Halimi. "I'm watching you" Afifah pointed her eyes then change to Nathasha. She walked away to get into her class back.

"What's my fault, Afifah?! You stole what's mine and now you're blaming me for something you don't know?!" yells Nathasha pushed Adam. Everyone is silent and looking at these fight. Afifah stopped and turn around looking at her.

"What did I stole from you? You have everything. Popularity and beauty. Why you wanted to kill my own bestie now?! The only one left for me?!" yells Afifah and the tears left to her eyes.

"You... stole my friends. Since you're close to Halimi and Adam. They are barely give attention to me. I was the only girl in our friendship and I got the attention. But you and your friend, stole what's mine!" mad Nathasha. The boys shocked when they heard about that.

Actually these are their fault for not fair to them both. "What are you talking about Nathasha? I stole your friends?" Afifah scoffed and look at Halimi and Adam.

"I've never steal anything from you. Tell your besties to stay away from me. Because of them. I just lost the important person in my life. You can have all of them" smirks Afifah looked at the two boys. She can see in Halimi's eyes. He's hurt. Hurt by her words. She just throw him to the trashcan. After all of the things he has done to her.

Afifah went away and walk through Adawiyah's body. Adawiyah just standing there looking at them. This is not what she wanted. This is not the thing should happened. Her sister should have all of the freedom. Not these kind of fights.

"This is nonsense. Can you use your power to get us to the hospital?" Ignored Adam and Amna is the way more important to him now. Jun just shakes head. She doesn't have that kind of powers.

"Students get into your classes. Now!" commanded the Principle.

All of the school times. They can't even focus. They're just worrying about Amna's condition. She looked really pale. They guess her mom already there. She might lost a lot of blood in the body.

Halimi looked at Afifah. She can't stop sobbing. This is the worse. He really can't see her crying. It's hurt him a lot. Amna is so meaningful for her after all. He can't blame her to be that emotional.

After school, Afifah goes to the hospital. "Can I find a patient who name Amna Nasirah?" asked Afifah to the nurse. The nurse just smiles and nodded. Then she typed the information at the computer. But the sweet smile really can't heal her. She's too sad right now. She doesn't want anything happen to Amna.

"You can wait outside of the operation room. She's under operating now." The nurse smiles again. Afifah just nodded. She can see Roziah, Shahrul, Mr.Jactoran and Najwa already there. The wizard must be Najwa and the club president must be Shahrul.

"Aunty, are you good?" asked Afifah to Roziah which she sits on the chair and cried. She might finished the tissues. Shahrul looked like he really don't like Roziah. The way his looking said. That she's just acting and pretending to be a great mom. That's rude.

Mr.Jactoran kept on looking at his watch. It will be 3 hours for her operation. They need to wait that long? "So, Mrs.Roziah. I need to go. Afifah informs me if anything happened" said Mr.Jactoran. Afifah nodded. She knew Mr.Jactoran is a busy man. He needs to work at the Hybrid world and humans world. That's not rude for him to go see what happened to Hanara now.

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