𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 14

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"So, this is the last scene for today!" Everyone clapped their hands when Shahrul announced the announcement. The last scene is Peter Kavinsky and Lara jean are kissing. They're really a good couple. Adam and Alini. Bad guy and the innocent girl.

That afternoon I have not time for break and I need to finish this works alone. The edits and more into them. Shahrul looked at me. "Why are you not headed home yet?" asked Shahrul. Shahrul has a really good scene. I love his perfume. "I need to finish these edits"

"Your partners left the works for you. Alone?" yeah they left me since they said they have so many business to do. One was having a date with her new boyfriend, one was saying he has emergency at home and a lot more. But I knew they're just making an excuse to run from these editing. And I need to do all alone. "No, they just having some problems that's why they can't help here" I lied.

"I see. You're really bad at lying." That wanted to make me laugh. I curled my lips and curled into myself. I buried my face into my knees. Shahrul sit next to me on the bench. Actually there's something I'm thinking of. The kissing scene.

If I actually a human. Would I be the one who taste his lips? How's his lips taste like? I can't even imagine how wonderful it will be. I only focus on Adam's lips. "Amna?" I yelps. Shahrul woke her up. He smiles looking at me yelp.

"You're thinking of something? Is something bothering you?" asked Shahrul. I shakes my head. I try to focus on these things.

"Amna, come with me!" said Jun and they run to the forest where I lived. Shahrul just looked at their back. Who's the girl? He never meet the girl. And she's not even wearing the school uniform.

They arrived at the house. Roziah is fighting with some of guys she never met. Who are they? "Get the girl!" said general Rizalman. And the guys is moving closer to me and finally I kicked their faces. My feets are weaker than before. This is what happened after she ate the elf.

Jun helped me. She uses her wind energy to pushes their body. With the wind one of the guy was thrown far away from us. I don't know where he's at now. Jun reveal herself. Her nine tails are appear and fast as a cheetah she is on the air and uses her feets to kicked the guy a lot of times.

And they were beaten up. "Who are you?" asked me to the general Rizalman. "We're Sirens. This woman wanted to separate you from us because she doesn't want you to be our crown princess!" said general Razilman.

"Don't believe in him!" yells Roziah and the truth just spill one by one. Roziah actually shocked that Jun said I went to the Hybrid world. And the sirens can detect where I am now. They are finding me everywhere.

"You lied!" I scream. And the weather became darker. This is all of the anger which I held all of these time. I will use it now.

"Amna, calm down!" and the voice. Najwa is here. She just really know this kind of power.

"You all are too much!" The sirens are coming and attacked Roziah. My pupil became blue as an ocean. And once I screamed The sirens was all attacked by the Tsunami. Najwa uses her magic to held the water from moving to school and villagers. She tried hard.

Once Jun heard the Tsunami is coming she followed the wizard. And the sirens are gone. The Tsunami just pull them all from the forest back to their homeland. I get on my knees and looked around. The tsunami. Is it because of me? I looked at Roziah and she's at the corner of the house.

"Mom!" I tried to get her. And she sits on the ground with her siren tail. It's injured. A wood just stabbed her siren tail. And slowly her breath are gone. That's the last time she's alive then she's dying.

Amna woke up from her dream She's at the desk making the editing. What is this? Déjà vu? But the dream seems so real. I startled when I see beside me. Shahrul who is sleeping next to her. It's about a night they're sleeping. It's late already. I stood up and closed my laptop. But my arm was held by Shahrul.

He's not sleeping? "Where're you going?" asked Shahrul.

Amna can feel something different around Shahrul Once Shahrul touched her. It feels like some electric injections goes to her hand. In the nice way. "Who are you Sharul?" I don't even know what kind of feeling is this. Have I met him before? Is this what I wanted all these times?

"I will take you home. You must be tired" said him. And we walked away to the forest. Shahrul keeps on looking at the sky. "My homeland was full with stars. I can see stars everywhere" told him. "You should come to my homeland sometimes".

"Where's your homeland?" I asked.

Shahrul looked at me "Somewhere far" he said. He's so mysterious. With all these stranges feeling. I wanted to get to know him more. Who is the real Shahrul?

Afifah opened her phone. Instagram is the first app she will choose. Nathasha is on live now. She joined the live. She's doing some make-up toturial or something. No wonder Nathasha is always pretty as ever. And she noticed something behind her.

A lamp with red liquid. Is that blood? It really looked like a blood. Or is it just her imagination? Is Nathasha is the vampire that Mr.Goblin have talked about? She must be the one.

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