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< Mr. WasTaken side >

I felt something or someone shaking right next to me.

I don't know if this was a good or bad thing until I decided to open my eyes.

It's been maybe a hour or a half since I've been asleep and from the looks of it George didn't sleep at all.

He was shaking really hard and then that's when he got closer towards me.

"Those kids are creepy!" He said as I looked were he was looking.

And notice that the Tv was on the movie Black Phone.

'Did I put that on?'

"There is nothing to be scared about." I said trying to calm George down as I sat up and pulled him closer towards me.

Resting my head on his while his eyes was glue to the Tv but his heart rate and his shaking started to calm down a bit more.

"There there" I said before closing my eyes once more. While holding George in place.

< Sams Side >

"Let's just go see Mr. NotFound team members, Tubbo and Niki haven't answered in awhile" Sapnap said.

As I was just watching them walk by before I heard something else that made my heart drop.

"Sapnap!, Do you come in" another voice came from a walkie-talkie on his waist.

As he picked it up and put it towards his mouth he answer as he stopped in his path and look at the other guy who was wearing black and red.

"Yes, Wilbur?" Sapnap answered.

"Mr. NotFound team just woke up maybe about a few minutes ago, they are all over the base. Tubbo and Niki have been knocked out so I'll go make sure they are ok. You, Bad and the others start looking for them and rounding them up. There should be about 25 of them in total and remember do not let any of them into Dreams room" the so called man Wilbur said.

As Sapnap looked at the guy in black and red once more before giving a simple yes.

And put back the walkie-talkie on his waist.

"You heard him bad, we need to round up 25 of these bitches!" Sapnap said in angry.

"Language! And we will we just need to find out where they went" the guy name bad said.

As I was just witnessing this all before my eyes.

"You take the right hall I'll take the left hall got it?" Sapnap said as they both ran different directions.

Once I heard there footsteps no more I opened the door deciding with way I should take.

"In all honestly it's like saying who was the weaker guy?" I was now talking to myself.

And so with that I decided to keep on going straight taking the right hall instead of the left one.

< Karl's Side >

'So many doors, to many doors!'

I think I was losing my mind, and possibly my sanity to!

That's when I heard footsteps coming my way.

And when I started trying to opened the door to my left.

But to my luck it was locked to, then to my right and that was locked as well.

As I heard them get closer I decided,

"Ah never mind I'm running" with that I took off into the halls running passing by so many doors.

Doors I could haven been checking!

That's when I looked behind me once more to see the right hand man of this place chasing me.

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself, as I looked what was in his hands. It looked like hand-cuffs.

And no way I'm going back not without finding George or warning the others cause what kind of right hand man would I be then?

As I kept running focusing on getting away.

< Mr. NotFound Side >

I could tell Dream fell asleep again, but this time in another position.

A very uncomfortable one for my head, but I just kept watching.

Until I heard a ringing noise which scared me so hard that it made me jump which woke up Dream from his slumber.

As he opened his eyes slowly he soon heard this ringing nose and grabbed his phone from his night stand quickly.

Letting me go for a brief moment.

"What Wilbur? Is something wrong" Dream said talking into the phone while holding onto me at the same time.

"They what?!" He yelled which could have made me dead then and there.

"Find them, all of them. I don't want them running around my manner like little kids. It's fucken weird to! Make sure they all go back with extra security. I'll keep a eye on the leader." With that Dream hung of the phone and I knew.

What he meant by the leader part.

As he set his phone down and looked at me.

Like I was up to something even though I've been here the whole fucken time.

"You're team escaped from there rooms," Dream started which made me kinda proud of myself.

"I'm sure they are looking for you, if not looking for a way out of this place. But let me assure you no one is going no where. My manner is meant to confuse my enemies at lease on this side" He said looking straight into my eyes.

While he was playing with my hair at the same time.

"Why would you build this in your own manner though?" I asked.

"Because, I know how much people love to come and crash my parties so I build this anyways though we have nothing to worry about. This room is very hiding and hard to find if you don't know your way around. Trust me" and with that he put his head on my shoulder.

And kept stroking my hair as I just stared at the Tv once more.

'I just hope everything is ok I know my team are stronger than they look. And this is like the boss time where they test out how much they have learned and if they can plan without me'

< Authors side >

I hope you enjoy this, and it did take a bit longer than it looks.

Cause I've been doing some trading but I did make time.

Anyways though.

I hope you have a wonderful day/noon/night! And wish you the best.


Words: 1056

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