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< Authors Side >

*About the message I send to you all on the board*

So I though my phone was being taken away, because my father said "Everyone off of there phones, IPad, and everything when it's 5:00 pm"

Which made me think 'Oh he is taking away my phone and iPad again.'

So I decided to tell you guys, because I really didn't want to just disappear without saying a word.

Cause I post every night.

Because I love you :3

And since I still have my phone. Another story will be posted which is this one.

So let's get into it and not wait any longer!

Still very sorry!

< Mr. WasTaken side >

"Didn't I say not to kill him?! You know we still need him right." Mr. WasTaken said with a angry tone towards Sapnap.

They were both in Mr. WasTaken office, and let's just say he was not pleased.

"At lease I didn't kill him" Sapnap said quietly, he was mad but he knew what would happen if he took it out on his boss.

Things wouldn't be good, at all.

As Mr. WasTaken sat back down on his chair.

He sighed.

"Alright, no more getting Mr. NotFound to close death, I know he is a dickhead but we still need him. So control that angry until then alright?" Mr. WasTaken really though he was talking to a child.

Who has angry managed problems. Which is almost what Sapnap was when he was angry, at lease he didn't burn something down.

"Alright I'll try" Sapnap said before standing up from the chair he was sitting in to leave the room.

And just as he started walking to the door.

Mr. WasTaken gave him a little warning.

"Remember Nick" he said before Sapnap closed the door and just gave a simple yea.

As he sighed and decided to go check the damage on Mr. NotFound before Mr. WasTaken or Dream saw and question Mr. NotFound himself.

< Mr. NotFound side >

My whole body felt like hell.

And I really didn't want to open my eyes.

Cause I know I was somewhere else, maybe somewhere I didn't want to be.

But I really did get a taste of what happens when I piss someone off, and half of me liked it for some reason.

Kinda made me happy he had to take it off on me, funny.

Just as I heard two people talking once again for maybe the 5th time I woke up.

I just decided to open my eyes, and take in reality once and for all.

As I opened my eyes I saw the boy and girl again.

"He's awake" The boy said in a walkie-talkie.

'We're they just waiting for me to wake up'

"Hello!" Said the girl with pink hair.

"Hello madam" I said back making sure I'm using the right words so I don't get shit on again.

"Mr. WasTaken will have a word with you in a hour or two" said the boy.

"Alright" I said back, before looking down at what they had done to me.

I had bandages all over me, and even a blood bag right next to me.

'Holy shit'

"Yea, Sapnap did go a little bit to hard on you, at lease your not dead but you lost a lot of blood in the process" said the woman.

"Also I'm Niki and this is Tubbo!" She said before pointing at him as he was dozing off into some daydream he was having.

Just then Sapnap opened the door, and started looking around the room before his eyes settled on us.

"Oh hi sapnap" Tubbo said as we all looked at him.

"Hey, Niki and Tubbo. I was wondering if I could have a word with him" Sapnap said pointing at me.

As they both looked at each other deciding if it was a good idea to leave me alone in a room with the guy who almost KILLED ME!

Then somehow agreed and just told him not to hurt me anymore until Mr. WasTaken got here.

As he agreed then both left the room, now it was just me and him.

"How did you know all that stuff about me, I don't think you'd spy on most people just to find out what they are all about" Sapnap said.

I just smiled before rolling my eyes.

"Why would you tell you, when you fucked my body up." I said in angry.

"You deserve that thought, and don't act stupid on why"

He has got a point there.

"What do I get in return" I said trying to make a deal with him.

"What?" Sapnap said clueless

"You know what I said, do I need to spell it out for you"

"Fine, what do you want?" Sapnap said asking for my request.

"I want freedom, and for you personally to let me out and just bring me to a bar" I said.

"One, that shit ain't happening. Two, for you to go get high and shit?" I have a feeling this was one of the most stupidest right hand man ever.

"My right hand man is smarter than you I hope you know that, also no not to get high I'll tell you that much" And just as I said that Mr. WasTaken walked in.

"Sapnap?" Mr. WasTaken said before Sapnap turned around.


"What are you doing here, are you hurting him more?" Mr. WasTaken said as I just smiled.

"No, I'm asking him a few questions about what happened earlier" and just as Sapnap said that.

Mr. WasTaken just nodded as he sat down on a chair as well before starting his recording.

"What did you ask him?" Mr. WasTaken asked as Sapnap just explained what he told me in detail.

And Mr. WasTaken just nodded in return before looking at me once again.

"Mr. NotFound I'm sorry for earlier by the way, but now i have a few questions I know you can answer." Mr. WasTaken said before taking out a lighter and a mental pole with the signature of Mr. WasTaken team.

"If you don't answer 3 of these questions, then I swear your team won't get you back. I'll make you part of mine for good. And before you think I do this to everyone. I don't You'll be the first isn't that wonderful!" Mr. WasTaken said before Mr. NotFound got worried.


< Authors side >

Alright I'm just going to say.

Karl and George's team is going to have some guns out next time.

That's all I'm saying tho-

Anyways I hope you enjoy this one and have a beautiful day/noon/night!



Words: 1119

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