Chapter 18

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Ethan leaned over the toilet and threw up as Harry stood outside the door. The party's been going on for about 3 hours now and people were starting to get drained. Harry rubbed his eyes and waited for Ethan to come out, when he did his jet-black hair was ruffled up and he had turned pale.

"Are you okay? " Harry asked.

Ethan nodded.

"I think I'm going to walk home. It's getting late."

"I'll walk with you." Harry said.

"No, I don't want to ruin you're not night."

"You're not ruining it. I'll tell the boys I'm leaving and I'll meet you outside. Okay?"


A couple minutes later, Harry came out of the house with two water bottles and handed one to Ethan.

"You said you were sophomore, right? Did you just move here? I've never noticed you before. " Harry asked as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Well, I'm not surprised... No one's noticed me before. "

Before Harry could respond Ethan said.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"Because I believe we should always be nice to people." Harry said.

Ethan glanced up at him then looked away, biting his lip.

"I wish everyone was like that."

Harry kicked a rock across the pavement.

"Tell me about it."

"What's your favorite band? " Ethan asked.

"Either Linkin Park or 30 seconds to mars."

"I like them too. Jared the signer, his voice is so pretty. It's like... Um."

"Sex." Harry said.

Ethan chuckled.


"Favorite male singer?"

"Probably John Mayer."

"I don't think I've listened to him." Ethan said.

Harry's mouth dropped.

"You haven't? His current album Battle Studies, Love it. His song Heartbreak Warfare was stuck in my head for a month. " Harry said. "I have 3 of his albums if you want to listen to them."

"Yeah, I'll listen to them." Ethan said. "Female singer?"

"Beyoncé. "

"Oh, I hate her."

Harry stopped, turned on his heel and walked the other way. Ethan busted out into laugher and ran to Harry.

"I was kidding!"

"You better be." Harry teased with a smile, turning back around.

"My mom literally has a shrine of her in her room and whenever I come home from school, she's always listening to her." Ethan said.

Harry nodded in approval.

"Where exactly is your house? " He said.

Ethan stopped and looked around.

"Oh, snap, crackle, doodle pop. It's near the school. "

Harry laughed out loud, his eyes crinkling as his dimples showed.

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