Chapter 40

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Author's P.O.V

Chan stirred in his sleep as he heard the distant chirping of morning birds. With his eyes still closed, he groggily touched the side of the bed where Hyunjin was supposed to be lying. He wanted to bring the younger's warm delicate body closer to his chest but his hands could only feel the bedsheet. That side was it empty.

A sudden panic rushed through his veins and his eyes widely opened at once and darted around the room to find no apparent trace of his mate.

He abruptly sat up as he yelled, "Hyunjin!"

"Hey, hey, I am here." Chan felt his worked up nerves calmed down at a soft touch of slender fingers on his naked back.

He turned his head to see Hyunjin standing behind him at the side of the bed Chan was sleeping on, wearing a light pink silk robe.

Hyunjin's gaze was full of concern as he asked, "Are you okay? What happened?"

Chan didn't reply. Instead he turned his body completely to face Hyunjin with his lower body still covered with the blanket, as he hugged the younger's tummy. He placed his ear against Hyunjin's heartbeat as if to make sure that his mate was real. That Hyunjin was really there with him.

"Where did you go?" Chan's voice was hoarse and deep, having just woken up, but a certain indescribable emotion lay in that voice which filled the younger with worry.

"Nowhere. You were sleeping so peacefully and I know how it's been so difficult for you to sleep for so many years. I didn't want the sun rays bother you since you were lying at the window side. I just got up to shut the drapes. That's it. I am right here hyung." Hyunjin assured, his tone gentle as he softly massaged the older's scalp.

He explained it in detail, making his every single word clear so Chan knew that he really was there with him. Then he kissed on top of the ravenette's messy hair.

Hyunjin's gestures seemed to relax his mate as Chan let go of him. He looked up at the younger and Hyunjin's heart sinked to see such a pained expression in the older's eyes. Even though they both were together now, Chan's fears hadn't completely gone away just like Hyunjin's.

"I was so scared when I couldn't feel you in my arms. Just like that night, when you slipping away...when I held you and you were bleeding. I-I thought...for a moment that you waking up in the infirmary and everything after that was all a dream. I thought I really lost you. And I was terrified to have woken up to the nightmare of reality." Chan said, his words jumbled as he tried to get rid of the horrible memories of his mate being gravely injured.

"Oh Christopher, my love." Hyunjin lowered his head and pressed a feather light kiss on Chan's lips which made the older close his eyes for the moment.

"It's real, okay? I am perfectly fine. What we have now, it's all real." Hyunjin captured Chan's lips again and this kiss turned into a more prolonged one. But there was no rush or lust attached it. It was Hyunjin's way of proving to Chan that it wasn't all a dream.

"You won't leave me right?" Chan asked as they pulled away. He sounded so timid contrasting his usual confident and commanding aura that it made Hyunjin want to somehow turn back time and change the past to one without all the misunderstandings and separation.

"Never." Hyunjin replied as he sat down next to Chan.

"It's okay Chris. We still have a lot of burden from our past. But we will deal with it together. You just got a bit anxious. But it will be fine." Hyunjin told the older, cupping his face with his hands.

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