Chapter 7

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Author's P.O.V

Its only been a couple of days but the bonds between the new Baek and Moon generation seems to becoming stronger.

The meals seemed became an enjoyable time, not only because of the delicious food but the cheerful conversations and teasing with each other. The parents were very content with the growing bond among the kids as well as they themselves had been the closest friends.

The training time was even more exciting! Even the soldiers gathered to watch the daily combat between Minho and Jisung. Both had defeated each other many times and ended with snarky comments. But anyone could see how they liked each other's company.

Seungmin and Jeongin had already become the best of friends. And to everyone's suprise Seungmin had become much louder than before and Jeongin had also developed a keen interest in books.

Changbin and Felix had the sweetest and most adorable bond. Changbin helped him train and Felix was always happy to learn from his Binnie hyung. His sunshine smile everytime Changbin praised him melted the older's heart again and again.

And then there was Chan and Hyunjin. Well...everyday it was the same. Hyunjin drew and Chan looked at him mesmerised leaving the younger flustered and in a blushing mess. They would talk to about anything and everything. Hyunjin started becoming much more open to him. He would laugh more freely. He was not so hesitant anymore. Instead, he joined the others in their craziness as well.

Chan soon got to know that Hyunjin loved nature and spending time alone quite a bit. He would sit in the garden staring the scenery and draw in his paper. Chan accompanied him a lot these days during such time as well. The younger enjoyed eating very much. And was also surprisingly quite as dramatic as his brothers said.

And Hyunjin learnt that Chan loved music and could play some instruments as well. He had asked Chan to play him something one day and the latter cheerfully agreed at once. Also despite being older in age, Chan behaved like the younger one quite more often than Hyunjin would have actually imagined.

Chan was the only one who could transform into his wolf form, not properly though since it usually begins at the age of 16. Till then you can only sense your wolf through your mind. However, he held back his transforming practice during his stay here.

Hyunjin had asked him once how it felt to transform. He had replied that it was very strenuous and draining but it felt better with every practice.

Chan would sometimes join the others in training and his brothers left no opportunity to tease him about his obvious behavior towards a certain long haired boy.

Hyunjin would get distracted from his painting very soon as he watched his Channie Hyung practice so skillfully and passionately with the others. Chan was unaware that Hyunjin looked at him with the same mesmerized look in his eyes.

All eight of them had actually become very close. Hyunjin called Minho and Changbin as hyungs now and they were all very kind to him. Though they, especially Minho loved to tease him. Nowadays, he was also reciprocateling the teasing much to everyone's pleasant surprise.

They had all dropped the formalities through their friendship. Gradually and unknowingly they started building a bond so beautiful and strong amongst themselves.

Today everyone had decided to train in the shooting ground.

Jeongin and Seungmin sat on the bench, too tired after running around in the field.

The others took their bows and arrows and lined up. Chan joined as well but Hyunjin decided to sit with his drawing sheets as usual, joining the maknaes at the bench.

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