Chapter 11

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Author's P.O.V

Like the moon revolves around the earth, Chan had become the moon and Hyunjin his world. They had formed an unspoken bond of trust and mutual respect because they didn't need words to understand each other.

Hyunjin had been able to overcome his inhibitions and joined the others in training. To say Chan was proud would be an understatement. He didn't hesitate to praise Hyunjin everytime he got better at his skills or encourage him whenever Hyunjin started doubting himself in the slightest. Hyunjin seemed to have started trusting Chan more than himself. So, if Chan said that he was doing well, he believed it because he knew his Christopher wouldn't lie to him.

They would spent their time like before, in each other's company. Either talking just about anything or staying in comfortable silence as Hyunjin drew and Chan lay on the grass relaxing under the sunlight. But now, it was something more. Something special filled the air whenever those two were present. An emotion unexplainable to themselves. It was as if they could even understand each other's heartbeats.

Even in teasing each other, talking nonsense or sharing memories, affection was visible in both's eyes. While they were still unaware of those strange feelings, it was too clear for others to not see it very well.

Minho and Changbin never stopped endlessly teasing their oldesr hyung. Actually Minho found it more amusing to tease Hyunjin now, as his reactions were so much more dramatic. Hyunjin would gasp loudly and whine in embarrassment at Minho's every little comment. But when he teased Minho back about his "all too close friendship" with Jisung, it would end in Minho chasing a scared Hyunjin, Jisung blushing profusely and the others laughing at their antics.

Changbin was joyous to see someone else serving the noble deed of annoying his Minho hyung as well. But the poor guy was the main target of all the teasing. When it came to annoying Changbin, everyone seemed to join hands even Chan and cool little guy, Seungmin. And when he would get too angry, his Yongbokah was there to calm him down. The others took advantage of his weakness for Felix and often used the younger sunshine boy as a shield.

The most amusing thing was each pair could see the others' affectionate bonds but not there own. Even the maknaes, Seungmin amd Jeongin had become inseparable which was yet again shocking for his Moon hyungs as Seungmin never gets attached to someone this quickly.

Chan was happy to see everyone getting along. They had become family. And whenever his family was happy, Chan was happy too. Hyunjin had always admired Chan for how he cared for the younger ones. But again, Hyunjin never realised how Chan cared about him the most. All his life Chan felt as if he needed to be mature and put his younger brothers first. But with Hyunjin, he could be so carefree and even act childlike. Hyunjin would be there for him no matter what.

And the ones who were the most joyous to see these growing bonds were the Baek and Moon parents. Especially when they saw the fated pair moving towards their destiny. Nothing made the Baek king and queen more relieved to see their oldest son finally being happy in its true sense, after so long. And nothing made the Moon kings more satisfied to finally see Chan, who was busy taking care of everyone all this while, finally taking cared of by someone else.

But even the moon has to face the dark clouds and the terrors of an eclipse. There is always calm before the storm. And everyone was unaware that this storm might destroy everything!

The Kings and Queen were unaware that someone else was watching their children too but not with the same look of happiness. A certain pair of golden eyes from the shadows, were filled with hatred, anger and even...lust as they laid upon the pureblood. The young alpha saw how the omega laughed and blushed in the presence of another alpha. His eyes were burning in rage and his lips took the shape of an evil smirk.

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