Chapter 4

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Hyunjin P.O.V

To calm my restless heart I tried to busy myself in my special arrangement. And thankfully it worked! Well for the most part. Except some unknown creatures in my stomach which kept dancing in there for some reason!

I truly admire both my Joonsung and Jinyoung samchons. I am especially close to Jinyoungie samchon since he is always so kind to me. It's been a more than a year since they last visited, on my 12th birthday. And I dearly missed them both.

The thing about Jinyoungie samchon is that he absolutely loves flowers, all kinds. But daffodils are his favourite! I have been working on the garden for since the beginning of spring, waiting to show it to my samchon. And when I heard the news of their arrival I was overjoyed!

I watered each plant everyday myself, and took care of the entire garden. Eomma asked me to take the gardener’s help but I wanted to prepare this for samchon all by myself. I am happy with the outcome. He will like it too right?

I hope I get this right!

I heard the footsteps finally and quickly hid near the entrance. Oh! The look on Jinyoungie samchon's face when the rose petals showered on them!

I bowed to everyone, my nervourness still overwhelming me due to some new presence as I fidgeted with my hair strand. I am not used to many umm...people. Jinyoungie samchon pulled me in a warm hug and soon we were both holding back our tears as Joonsung samchon patted my back. I quickly wiped them as I turned to greet the others when I saw them.

The pair of eyes which caused my breath to be stopped for a moment. In that moment my heart beated a thousand times. In that moment I felt as if my soul dazzled with a bright illumination. And I wanted that moment to last forever.

"Hyunjin ah we should introduce you to our new guests right?" Appa's voice brought me back to reality. Heat creeped to my cheeks as my eyes found the floor to be suddenly very interesting.

I think I nodded quite aggressively as I heard a laugh. If I had to describe it, it would be like the sound of a brush picking up fresh paint and touching a white sheet for the first time, just as beautiful.

I looked at him, well properly this time, other than just his eyes. He was beautiful just like a painting but his smile, the one which made his eyes completely shut, it was something beyond any words.

What is happening to me! Oh Goddess!

He stopped smiling as he saw me looking at him, he looked, shy? I must be seeing things.

He then bowed to me and mumbled a sorry!

Huh? I mean, I have been laughed at many times. Why is he apologizing? I swear I am so confused! I must have heard wrong.

"That is Chan, Christopher Chan, my oldest son."

He bowed to me again and I bowed back.

My eyes finally left him as I was introduced to his brothers. There was Minho, the one who looked like a grumpy cat, Changbin, who to my surprise was even more overexcited than Jisungie! And lastly, Seungmin. He looked so calm for his age. I mean Jeonginnie is as a lot to handle! But Seungmin looked adorable.

Everyone finally left the garden after both my samchons praised me for the hundredth time for my effort. We were supposed to take rest and we would meet again at lunch.

I was about to leave too as my hair tie fell on the ground leaving my hair open. Before I could pick it up, a certain someone kneeled down and picked the tie and looked up at me with those same wretched eyes.

After a few seconds he cleared his throat and stood up.

"Umm here." He said in a voice as deep and warm as his eyes as he reached out his hand with the hair tie.

"Thanks." I said as I bowed a bit in gratitude before taking it. Oh Goddess! I flinched slightly as my finger brushed his hand. What was that? As if lightning ran through where our hands touched. Am I ill? I think I need to get myself checked after this.

I quickly composed myself and tied my hair. I then looked at him to see, he looked somewhat disappointed?

He quickly masked his expression with a warm one as he said, "I am Chan."

"So I heard. " I said along with a giggle but then I realised that might have been rude. Before I could apologize he started laughing too! Oh his laugh! Okay, I am definitely sick.

He scratched his neck as he said, "Yes, I don't know why I said that."

I didn't say anything, just smiled awkwardly.

"Well then let's go." I said as I pointed at the door politely indicating him to go first.

"After you." He said and I swear my heart skipped a few beats.

I really need a check up.

I shyly nodded and walked on quickly followed by him. I am sure I looked like a some sort of a weirdo or a creep as I tried to hide my flushed cheeks by staring at the floor.

We finally parted ways as he went to the first hallway to take the stairs to the room prepared for him on the second floor, led by a servant lady.

I went to my room, on the third floor to take some rest before the lunch as well.

Only I couldn't. I feel so strange. Even weirder than before. I mean I was already so restless. Now, I feel a sense of peace in my heart but it is so...excited?


P.s. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Take care lovelies <3

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