Chapter 26

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(All credits to the rightful owners.)

Note: Early update since I will be busy later and I didn't wanna break my promise. :))

Author's P.O.V

The next day Jeongin woke up with a pink flushed face as he saw Seungmin asleep while sitting on the floor, holding his hand. Seungmin woke up in a few moments in worry as he felt Jeongin shift. He thought that the younger was in pain again.

Jeongin assured him that he was okay and shyly mumbled a thank you. Seungmin got up finally leaving the younger's hand much to both's dismay. He gave Jeongin his medicines that a servant had delivered last night.

He apologised to Jeongin for entering his room without permission and his consideration warmed Jeongin's heart. Seungmin sweetly told Jeongin to take rest and call him for anything he needs.

He finally left the room not before asking a nurse from the infirmary to stay outside Jeongin's room and assist him all the time.

The rest of Jeongin's heat passed with little to no discomfort thanks to the medicines. Due to the absence of their parents especially their mother, they didn't know much about what to do during heat and what medicines helped. And the Kangs never cared enough and neither did the Baeks even ask for help. The healer of the infirmary in the Baek empire was replaced by a Kang medic which made it all the more difficult for the Baeks who were hesitant to seek medication.

Seungmin personally took all of Jeongin's meals to his room when he visited Jeongin everyday till his heat lasted. But he just stood near the door as Jeongin ate, and asked him how he was feeling. He didn't want to intrude his peronal space much, afraid of making Jeongin uncomfortable. And though his actions made the younger's heart flutter, Jeongin secretly wanted Seungmin to be close to him. But he couldn't voice out his feelings.

These interactions didn't go unnoticed by Jeongin's hyungs, they were all moved by Seungmin sincerity.

It was the end of the second week of their stay in the Moon empire. Jisung decided to visit the royal stable a few hours after breakfast. The palace grounds were cleaned of snow. And he was surprised to see Minho standing near a horse, talking to it like it was a child.

"Yes, yes, you are the best girl! Do you want to do go for a run later buddy?" He said softly but was startled by a sudden giggle.

His eyes widened as he saw the Baek prince standing there. He was supposed to be the cool, mysterious prince and Jisung just caught him talking to a horse in a baby voice!

"What's your buddy's name?" Jisung asked, amusedly.

"Dori." Minho said with an awkward smile.

"Hey, Dori. I am Jisung." He softly stroke Dori's mane as the horse leaned in to the gentle touch.

"Wow, she must like you very much. She doesn't let strangers near her usually."

Jisung smiled happily at that.

"Did you need anything?" Minho asked.

"No no, I just...I love horse-riding back at home. And I wanted to meet the lovely ones here."

"Oh. Well, I have two more buddies here, Sooni and Doongi. They are still sleeping. You can meet them later if you want."

"I'd love to!" Jisung said excitedly.

"How is Prince Jeongin?" Minho asked.

Though he already knew the answer. All the Moons kept check asking Seungmin about Jeongin's condition everyday. The three Moon hyungs felt worried and protective over the youngest they had started to consider their own brother since so many years.

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