Chapter 45

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Author's P.O.V

"Hyunjin, how?" Chan asked as he raised his hands to cup the younger's face. But the golden haired boy suddenly pushed him away.

"It's nothing." Hyunjin said.

"When did he do this? Was he at the forest? That bastard dared to lay his filthy hands on you again! I am going to kill him."

"No you are not." Hyunjin said wiping his tears with the long sleeves of his shirt.

"He hurt you Hyunjin!" Chan screamed.

"I deserved it."

Chan's eyes widened in utter horror at the words that left Hyunjin's mouth.

"What did you say?" Chan asked, still in disbelief.

"I said I deserved it. He was right. Everyone I love will keep getting hurt till I am with them. If I leave now both our homes will be safe from war, our families will be at peace. Even you will find a better mate and be happy. Much happier." Hyunjin rambled on.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? Whatever that fucker told you, it's all bullshit!"

"He said he will keep hurting you till I am with you. I heard you scream in pain when you were attacked with the silver. If it had been wolfsbane, what if you couldn't survive? He said he wouldn't stop. He said he'd kill you." A sob left the younger's mouth as he recalled the encounter of the previous night.

"That coward won't be able to do shit. Nothing can hurt me till you are with me, Hyunjin." Chan said walking closer to Hyunjin but the latter backed away again.

"You don't understand." The younger mumbled.

"Then make me understand! Make understand how being apart from you is any better than dying! The pain I felt by the silver dagger was nothing compared to the pain and fear I felt when you tried to break our bond." Chan exclaimed.

"I am going to cause you harm one way or another. You'd be better of without-"

"Enough! Didn't you feel upset because I made a decision for you. Then why are you making one for me now? It is my choice to be with you, through darkness and light, through the storm and sunshine, through it all. The only way you can cause me pain is by pushing me away like this! Hyunjin, you don't have to solve every problem alone." Chan moved closer to the younger again, finally caressing the younger's tear stained face.

"I am not making a choice for you. I made one for myself already. It's over. Once I do everything he says, once I give up myself by going to Kang empire, he will leave you all alone." Hyunjin diverted his eyes from Chan.

"Kang empire? Is that where you planning to go? And you thought I'd be crazy enough to let you?" Chan's voice boomed in the room as he himself moved bacm slightly.

"You said you won't try to stop me. You can't anyway. You are not my mate anymore." Hyunjin retorted.

"If you think that your words will be able to push me away anymore, you are being delusional. I wouldn't have stopped you if I knew that being away from me truely meant that you were happier. But don't you see, neither of us can be happy or whole without each other. We are soulmates, destined by the Moon Goddess herself. Our bond isn't as brittle as glass that can be broken so easily." Chan screamed.

"Stop, just stop. I told you I have made my decision. I am leaving whether you like it or not." Hyunjin screamed back.

"Well, then. You leave me no choice. As the crown prince of the Moon empire and the future King of the same, I forbid you to leave this palace." Chan said sternly.

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