Chapter 5

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Chan P.O.V

You know when you're swinging from a tree as a kid and there is this weird sensation in your stomach? It feels hollow, because you are scared of hitting the ground but at the same time, it is filled with butterflies as you swing high up. I feel exactly like that right now. And for what reason, only the Goddess knows.

Fine! I mean I guess I know too. The moment I entered my room, I released a heavy breath which I felt as if I had been holding in for too long. As I closed my eyes to calm down the erratic beating of my heart, the image of a certain golden haired boy flashed across my mind.

I tried to rest after changing my clothes into one more suited for a warmer weather. But the moment I closed my eyes the image peeked in again and again.

Even the time seemed to be on its own pace today! When will it be lunch hour?

I mean umm I am just hungry. I am not desperately thinking about seeing a certain someone again at all!

Chan what's wrong with you!

Finally what felt like decades later a guard informed me that lunch was prepared. I hurriedly almost ran downstairs and embarrassingly tripped on a couple of stairs. Even the guards were looking at me strangely but they still bowed.

Wow now the whole empire will call you crazy. Great!

I entered the dining hall, seeing everyone to be already present. The dining hall was massive and surely beautiful and all. I wouldn't know properly, because even among the chatter of noises, I was once again dazed by the same presence. He looked as pretty as ever, only his hair was tied more neatly but his lips still held the same shy smile.

Suddenly I was brought back to reality the ground hit me out of the blue. I  winced at the force of hitting the floor. I heard everyone burst into laughter and had realised that I had fallen down while trying to sit on my chair beside eomma.

"Were you sleep walking hyung?" Changbin began, obviously.

"I don't think that's because of sleep." Minho added with a smirk.

Before I could teach them a much needed lesson, Minlee samchon spoke up.

"Let your poor hyung be boys. He must be tired." He said with a hint of amusement in his own voice.

Aishh! This is so embarrassing!

I got up dusting my pants and sat down on my chair properly this time. Eomma patted my back with a little chuckle.

The Baeks sat at the opposite side of us. Their kids' wide grins matched my own brother's throughout the dinner as if teasing me too.

What was so amusing about this? Aish these kids.

Yet I still could bear to look at their faces, at anywhere but him, as I deliberately and desperately tried to avoid looking at his face.

Hyunjin didn't laugh. I am sure. I could recognize that laugh among thousands even though I heard it for the first time today. It's the sweetest one!

He must be thinking I am stupid!

The parents were busy in light conversation catching up about their lives, and the others...well I couldn't care less. Those troublesome kids!

Oh no! I met his eyes! Oh no! OH NO!

But wait. His gaze didn't hold any amusement or judgement. It was just filled with warmth and I think even corncern (?) as he gave me a kind, almost reassuring smile.

And since then I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked away after a few seconds of eye contact, trying to hide an obvious blush as a corner of my lips curved up in a smirk.

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